Procurement Business Flow Chart

Published October 2021 An accessible strategy document from

Procurement Business Processes

Below EU Threshold - Supplies/Services/Works up to £189k

The estimated minimum timeline to complete the following procurement process once specification is created is 2 - 10 weeks.

  • Procurement check existing contracts and advise if there are any suitable arrangements in place
  • If none are available Procurement will identify suppliers using either the Quick Quote functionality or searching on an appropriate platform or the NEPO portal. Where advertisements are issued they will also be available on Contracts Finder.
  • Supplies and Services – up to 4 Quotations or min 4 Tenders. Works – Min 3 Quotations, 2 local and 1 T&W, using NEPO portal (Quick Quote, Request for Quotations/Tender)
  • The Service Area and Procurement evaluate the submissions to identify the best value using issued evaluation criteria where appropriate. The winning supplier is then informed
  • A purchase order or contract is put in place (a written contract is required when the value exceeds £100k). The NEPO system holds an audit trail for future reference

Works over £189k to £4.773m

The estimated minimum timeline to complete the following procurement process once specification is created is 10 weeks.

  • Procurement check existing contracts and advise if there any suitable arrangements in place. If not a tender will be required.
  • Works with a value of between £189k- £500k - suppliers will be selected using a tender list compiled using an appropriate platform – including 2 local & 2 T&W providers
  • Works between £500k - £4.773m – advertised via NEPO portal and Contracts Finder. A tender or Selection Questionnaire (SQ) is sent to all suppliers who express an interest via the NEPO etendering system.
  • If restricted procedure is used SQ’s are evaluated against the selection criteria and tender documents are then issued only to shortlisted suppliers that meet the selection criteria
  • The returned tenders are evaluated against the award criteria detailed in the tender document. The most economically advantageous tender is selected
  • Successful suppliers are informed of the outcome by procurement and a written contract is agreed.

Supplies/Services over £189k & Works over £4.773m

The estimated minimum timeline to complete the following procurement process once specification is created is 20 weeks.

  • To avoid the need to tender, Procurement check existing contracts and advise if there any suitable arrangements in place.
  • The Procurement Service advertise the opportunity via a contract notice which is published at the UK e-notification system Find a Tender (FTS) and also on Contracts Finder
  • A tender or SQ is sent to all suppliers who express an interest via the NEPO e-tendering system
  • If restricted procedure is used SQs are evaluated against the selection criteria and tender documents are then issued only to shortlisted suppliers that meet the selection criteria
  • The returned tenders are evaluated against the award criteria detailed in the tender document. The most economically advantageous tender is selected
  • Written contract is finalised with the successful and unsuccessful bidders informed of outcome in writing and mandatory 10 day standstill period commences
  • Contract is awarded and a contract award is published on the UK e-notification system Find a Tender (FTS) and at Contracts Finder