Parking Enforcement Charter

Published March 2024 An accessible document from


The aim of this charter and guidance is to help you when parking in Council-controlled public car parks and other parking places within South Tyneside. It explains where you may or may not park and the consequences of parking in contravention of regulations. It also sets out how the Council enforces parking regulations. The regulations are fair but firm and the guidance within this charter is designed to assist you to park, pick up, set down, load and unload conveniently and lawfully. However, it should not be seen as a comprehensive statement of the law or the rights of a motorist.

The Council’s transport priorities are to improve safety, accessibility and air quality and to reduce congestion. Parking facilities, and the way in which they are managed, contribute to achieving these priorities and it is, therefore, important that they are appropriately controlled and regulated. Enforcement around South Tyneside’s schools is prioritised to reduce congestion and improve road safety for pupils.

A list of Council-controlled car parks is provided in Appendix A.


South Tyneside Council’s approach to parking enforcement shall be fair but firm and this Parking Enforcement Charter outlines how we intend to deliver the best possible service for motorists.


  • We will explain and communicate the parking rules.
  • Where possible we will photograph parking contraventions to support the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice.
  • We will regularly monitor traffic signs and road markings to help motorists parking throughout the Borough.
  • We will review parking services regularly to see how they can be improved.


  • We will take consistent enforcement action to deter inconsiderate parking.
  • We will pursue people who try to evade penalty charges to recover debt owed to the Council.
  • We will work with the police to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and to protect our Civil Enforcement Officers against abuse and violence.

Best possible service

  • We will reply as soon as possible to representations against Penalty Charge Notices whilst fully investigating motorists’ comments.
  • We will aim to get Penalty Charge Notices right first time using accurate “hand-held” technology.
  • We will use on-line services to improve customer access to information.
  • We will develop the on-street parking service to include: Blue Badge enforcement, school patrols, advice and information, and assistance at special events.
  • This Charter will be reviewed periodically and lessons learnt from the Appeals Process will be fed back to improve the service.

Parking in South Tyneside

The guidance within this Charter is designed to help you park conveniently and lawfully in South Tyneside and reduce the likelihood of you receiving a Penalty Charge Notice.

South Tyneside Council operate 18 Pay and Display and 22 free off-street car parks, as well as on-street parking pays. A Controlled Parking Zone is in force in South Shields town centre from Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm. For a full list of off-street car parks operated by South Tyneside Council, please refer to Appendix A or the South Tyneside Council website.

Parking enforcement procedures

This section outlines how parking restrictions are enforced within South Tyneside. Two methods of enforcement are used in South Tyneside: Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) and Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras.

Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs)

The purpose of a CEO is to patrol and monitor South Tyneside Council’s highway network and off-street car parks to ensure motorists comply with parking and traffic regulations. They will effectively identify and take appropriate action against those who do not comply. This may include the issuing of a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) (see Section 6). For their own protection, Civil Enforcement Officers have no authority to exercise discretion when enforcing traffic regulations. Discretion rests with back-office staff as part of considering challenges against PCNs and representations against a Notice to Owner (NtO), and the prescribed procedure detailed in Section 6.2 must be followed in order to challenge a PCN. If you receive a PCN, you may ask the CEO for an explanation. If you feel a penalty charge notice has been issued incorrectly, the CEO will record your comments. A CEO has no authority to cancel a PCN once it has been issued.

Complaints against CEOs

  • Incorrect issue of a PCN. Where a motorist feels that a CEO has made an error or issued a PCN incorrectly, they should submit an informal challenge or representation (see Section 6.2). The matter will be thoroughly investigated and, where it is proven that a mistake has been made, the motorist will receive confirmation that the PCN has been cancelled and, if needed, additional training will be given.
  • South Tyneside Council Staff Misconduct. Allegations against any member of staff are taken very seriously and dealt with according to the Council’s corporate complaints procedure. For more information about the complaints procedure or to make a complaint, please visit A complaint can also be made either in person at the Customer Service Centres at South Shields Town Hall and Jarrow Town Hall, by telephone on 0191 427 7000, or by letter to South Tyneside Council, Town Hall & Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE33 2RL. Please Note: The Council’s complaints procedure specifically excludes matters where the complaint involves legal proceedings or cases where customers have a separate right of appeal/informal challenge or formal representation. The prescribed procedure must be followed in such instances. For more information, see Section 6.2 and Section 6.3.


When used as part of civil traffic enforcement arrangements, the primary purpose of any CCTV camera system is to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the road network by deterring motorists from contravening parking or road traffic restrictions. CCTV cameras also provide a secondary benefit. They are a valuable tool contributing towards public safety and security and in protecting people and property.

CCTV cameras are used by South Tyneside Council to enforce parking restrictions in front of schools (Section 4.7), at bus stops (Section 4.15), and at bus lanes and bus gates (Section 4.16).

Parking restrictions

This section outlines the parking restrictions in operation in South Tyneside. The presence of restrictions shall be indicated by road markings and/or signs.

Double yellow lines

Double yellow lines
Double yellow lines

Double yellow lines indicate that no parking is allowed at any time. In some circumstances in South Tyneside double yellow line parking restrictions only apply during certain months. This is clearly indicated by signs located on the footway.

Vehicles used for commercial purposes and private motor vehicles may stop to load or unload on double yellow lines for as long as is necessary for the activity, provided that the activity is continuous. Continuous loading or unloading must be apparent otherwise a PCN may be issued. In the case of vehicles used for commercial purposes if, during a period of 20 minutes observation, it does not appear that loading or unloading is taking place, a PCN may be issued. In the case of a private vehicle if, during a period of 5 minutes observation, it does not appear that loading or unloading is taking place, a PCN may be issued.

Motorists may stop on double yellow lines to pick up or drop off passengers, but waiting for passengers is not permitted. When picking up or setting down, you must stay with your vehicle at all times unless your passengers need help getting into or out of your vehicle.

If a vehicle is parked on double yellow lines and none of the above activities are evident, a PCN may be issued.

Single yellow lines

Single yellow lines
Single yellow lines

Single yellow lines indicate that no parking is allowed during the hours of control. The hours of control will usually be shown on signs on the adjacent footway (example shown below).

Hours of control sign
Hours of control

The hours of control on the example above are for illustrative purposes and you should always refer to the signs located on the footway next to the single yellow lines to confirm the hours of control. However, within a Controlled Parking Zone, there are no sign plates provided on the footway. Instead, the hours of control are shown on signs at the entry points to the Controlled Parking Zone. Please see Section 4.4 for further details. Outside the hours of control, parking is allowed on single yellow lines.

During the hours of control, vehicles used for commercial purposes and private motor vehicles may stop to load or unload on single yellow lines for as long as is necessary for the activity, provided that the activity is continuous. Continuous loading or unloading must be apparent otherwise a PCN may be issued. In the case of vehicles used for commercial purposes if, during a period of 20 minutes observation, it does not appear that loading or unloading is taking place, a PCN may be issued. In the case of a private vehicle if, during a period of 5 minutes observation, it does not appear that loading or unloading is taking place, a PCN may be issued. Outside the hours of control, you may load or unload without restriction, providing there are no kerb markings indicating additional restrictions (see Section 4.3).

During hours of control, motorists may stop on single yellow lines to pick up or drop off passengers, but waiting for passengers is not permitted. When picking up or setting down you must stay with your vehicle at all times unless your passengers need help getting into or out of your vehicle. No such restriction is in place outside the hours of control.

If a vehicle is parked on a single yellow line during the hours of control and none of the above activities are evident, a PCN may be issued.

Single and double yellow kerb markings

Single yellow lines with single yellow kerb markings
Single yellow lines with single yellow kerb markings

Example sign accompanying single yellow lines with single yellow kerb markings. The hours of control shown are indicative, and you should always confirm the hours of control from signs at the location.

Hours of control sign
Hours of control sign

Single and double yellow lines may be accompanied by single and double yellow kerb markings, which indicate that a loading restriction is in force. Single yellow kerb markings mean that loading and unloading activities are prohibited during the times indicated on signs at the location. Double yellow kerb markings mean that loading and unloading are always prohibited. Any vehicle parked when loading restrictions are in force may be issued with a PCN.

Double yellow lines with double yellow kerb markings
Double yellow lines with double yellow kerb markings

Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)

Controlled zone sign
Controlled Parking Zone

In South Shields town centre, a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is in operation. Entry to the CPZ is indicated by signs (see above picture), informing motorists that on-street parking restrictions are in force within the zone. Single yellow line restrictions are in force within the CPZ during the hours of operation, which are indicated by the signs on entry to the CPZ. Note that the days and hours of operation on the above picture are indicative and motorists should always check road markings and signs prior to parking. On-street parking bays within the CPZ may be subject to restrictions, as indicated by other signs within the zone.

Resident parking permits may be required to park in on-street parking bays within the CPZ. For more information, refer to Section 4.17 or the South Tyneside Council website.

Pay and Display parking bays

Example of sign at Pay and Display car park.
Pay and Display

Pay and Display parking bays are parking bays that require a ticket to be purchased either from a Pay and Display ticket machine and displayed inside the vehicle or by using the third-party mobile payments service employed by South Tyneside Council. Pay and Display parking bays in South Tyneside include both “on-street” bays, located on the road, and “off-street” bays, located in surface car parks. Guidance on payment and the hours of operation are stated either on the front of the ticket machine or on adjacent signs. If a ticket is purchased from a machine, the machine will print a ticket which states the time of purchase and the expiry time for your stay. The ticket should be displayed inside the vehicle, either on the windscreen or dashboard, so that the expiry time on the ticket is clearly legible from outside the vehicle.


A ticket for parking in a Pay and Display parking bay can be purchased from a ticket machine or using the third-party mobile payments service employed by South Tyneside Council. Cash can be used for payment at all Pay and Display machines in car parks operated by South Tyneside Council, while cards can currently be used at Harbour Drive South and South Promenade South car parks only. To pay using the third-party mobile payments service, follow instructions at ticket machines or on the South Tyneside Council website. Car parks where the third-party mobile payments service can be used are detailed in Appendix A. To extend a period of stay in a Pay and Display bay, an additional Pay and Display ticket may be purchased and displayed inside the vehicle on the windscreen so that the expiry time on the ticket is clearly visible from outside the vehicle. If parking has been purchased using the third-party mobile payments service, an extension can also be purchased using the service. Failure to display a valid ticket or to have paid using the mobile payments service while parked in a Pay and Display car park may result in a PCN being issued. A 10-minute grace period is observed for expired Pay and Display tickets. A 5-minute observation period is adopted for when no Pay and Display ticket is displayed.

If a Pay and Display ticket machine is out of order, then a ticket should either be purchased from an alternative machine, if one is available, or by using the third-party mobile payments service at one of the car parks where it is in operation. If neither an alternative machine nor the third-party mobile payments service are available, then the ticket machine failure should be reported to the Council’s Parking Team, either by phoning 0191 424 7900 or emailing

Picking up and setting down passengers

Motorists may stop in a pay and display parking bay to pick up or set down passengers. Waiting for passengers is not permitted unless a pay and display ticket is purchased. When picking up or setting down the motorist must stay with the vehicle at all times unless the passengers need help getting into or out of the vehicle.

Blue Badge holders

Blue Badge holders may park free of charge and without a time limit in any long stay off-street car park. In on-street bays, time limits may apply and should be complied with. The Blue Badge must be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle so that the front of the badge (showing the date of expiry, issuing authority and serial number) is clearly visible from outside the vehicle.

Electric vehicle (EV) charging bays

Parking bays with charging points for charging electric vehicles (EVs) are available in some of South Tyneside Council’s car parks. Vehicles must be connected to the charging point when parked in these bays and can stay for the maximum period specified on signs at the car park. Vehicles parked in an EV charging bay that are not connected to the charging point or that stay for longer than the specified maximum period may be issued with a PCN. The car parks where these bays are located, the number of charging points and bays provided and the power ratings of the charging points are detailed in Appendix B.

Town Centre and Foreshore Parking Permits

Parking permits are available for two areas of South Tyneside: South Shields town centre and the Foreshore (seafront). Car parks where these permits are valid are indicated in Appendix C. For further information or to apply for a permit, please visit the South Tyneside Council website: South Shields town centre permit and Foreshore (seafront) permit.

Parking within marked bays

Motorists are expected to park their vehicle wholly within the markings of a parking bay. No part of a tyre should extend beyond the outside of the bay markings, nor should a vehicle overhang the bay markings. This is to ensure the health and safety of other motorists and vehicles. Any vehicle that cannot be parked fully within a marked bay should be relocated to another bay that can accommodate that size of vehicle. Any contravention may result in the issue of a PCN.

Loading bays

Loading only sign
Example loading bay sign

A loading bay is a bay designated for the continuous loading or unloading of vehicles, which includes picking up and setting down passengers. The bay should be accompanied by a sign (example shown above). Some loading bays are subject to hours of operation, which will be stated on the accompanying signs (the hours of operation in the example above are for illustrative purposes). Restrictions do not apply to the loading bay outside the hours of operation. However, if there are no hours of operation indicated on the sign, then the loading bay is in operation at all times and cannot be used for any other purpose.

Continuous loading or unloading activity must be apparent otherwise a PCN may be issued. In the case of vehicles being used for commercial purposes, if during a period of 20 minutes observation, it does not appear that loading or unloading is taking place, a PCN may be issued. In the case of a private vehicle, if during a period of 5 minutes observation, it does not appear that loading or unloading is taking place, a PCN may be issued.

School Keep Clear markings

School keep clear markings
School keep clear markings

School keep clear markings are installed to provide safer access to schools for parents and children during the operational hours of Monday to Friday, (usually 8am to 5pm). They may be accompanied by signs (example shown below with indicative operational hours shown). Stopping in such areas during the operational hours is prohibited and may result in a PCN being issued.

No stopping sign
Example 'No stopping' sign

South Tyneside Council enforce these restrictions using both CEOs and a mobile CCTV camera enforcement vehicle. The locations where a mobile CCTV camera enforcement vehicle is used to enforce school keep clear markings are listed in Appendix E.

Taxi stands

Taxi stand sign
Taxi stand sign

Taxi stands are provided for the sole use of hackney carriages and should not be used by any other vehicle. The stands are indicated by signs (shown above) and marked bays. Taxi stands in South Tyneside are designated under either a Traffic Regulation Order, the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 or Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and are enforced by both CEOs and the Council’s Licensing Enforcement Officers.

Pedestrian and cycle crossings

It is prohibited to park such that a pedestrian or cycle crossing is obstructed and doing so may result in a PCN being issued. The crossings will consist of at least red or yellow tactile paving and may also have distinct road markings, beacons and/or traffic lights.

Zigzag road markings
Zigzag markins

Zebra crossings, pelican crossings, puffin crossings and toucan crossings all have additional restrictions on their approaches and exits. Zigzag markings (see above picture) either side of the crossing indicate where no parking or stopping is allowed. Parking or stopping on the zigzag markings may result in a PCN being issued. In addition, the police have retained the powers to enforce this type of dangerous parking and can issue fixed penalty notices which carry a fine and points on your driving licence.

Cycle tracks and cycle lanes

Cycle track sign
Cycle track sign

Cycle tracks are provided for the use of cyclists and access to these tracks must be maintained at all times. Parking in or obstructing these may result in a PCN being issued. Parking in mandatory cycles lanes – defined by signs (see above) and a solid white line – is also prohibited and a PCN may be issued too. Parking in advisory cycling lanes (defined by a broken white line) is not prohibited unless other restrictions, such as single or double yellow lines, are in force.

Limited waiting parking bays

Example limited waiting sign
Example limited waiting sign

Limited waiting parking bays are subject to a maximum waiting period during which parking is free of charge. The maximum period allowed will be stated on signs at each location (example shown above). Sometimes there is a minimum time restriction before a vehicle can return and park on that length of road.

Suspended parking bays

A suspended parking bay means that parking facilities are temporarily unavailable and parking is not permitted. Blue badge holders may not park in suspended bays. Vehicles that contravene the suspension of a parking bay may be issued with a PCN. Suspensions of parking bays will be indicated by cones and/or temporary signs. Residents who have arranged a suspension for removals or work on their property cannot park their own vehicles in the suspended bays, as this is not permitted by the terms of the suspension.

Designated Blue Badge bays

Designated Blue Badge sign
Designated Blue Badge sign

Parking bays specifically designated for Blue Badge holders are indicated by signs (see above) and marked bays. In such bays, parking is free for Blue Badge holders, but a valid Blue Badge must be displayed. Time limits and return restrictions may apply and shall be indicated on signs accompanying the bay. If a valid Blue Badge is not displayed, then a PCN may be issued. Vehicles must be parked wholly within the marked bay, otherwise a PCN may be issued.

Ambulance bays

Ambulance bay sign
Ambulance bay sign

There are some parking bays in South Tyneside which are reserved for ambulances. These bays are indicated by signs (see above) and bay markings and any limit to when the restrictions are in operation shall be stated on the sign. Parking in such a bay when not entitled to do so may result in a PCN being issued.

Bus stops

Bus stop sign
Bus stop sign

It is prohibited for vehicles other than buses to stop, wait or park at a bus stop during hours of operation. As well as the sign shown above, bus stops are indicated by large yellow bays and yellow bus clearway road markings. Stopping, waiting or parking in a bus stop during hours of operation may result in the issuance of a PCN. CCTV cameras are used by South Tyneside Council as well as CEOs to enforce parking restrictions at bus stops (see Section 3.2).

Bus lanes and gates

Bus lane sign
Bus lane sign

South Tyneside Council have the power to enforce restrictions, including parking, at bus lanes and gates. Driving, stopping and parking in bus lanes and gates during their hours of operation are prohibited. The hours of operation are indicated on signs on the approach to and at the start of the bus lane or gate. Where no hours of operation are indicated, the bus lane or gate is in operation at all times. CCTV cameras are used to enforce restrictions at bus lanes and gates at Crossgate, Sunderland Road and Fowler Street, in South Shields, and Edinburgh Road, in Jarrow. (see Section 3.2).

Resident Parking Permits

Resident permit holder sign
Resident permit holder sign

Residents living on a street within a Resident Permit Scheme should apply for a Resident Parking Permit to park in an on-street bay on their street. Resident Permit Schemes are indicated by signs (see above). The permit and signs will state the days and times that restrictions are in operation. Each household can have a maximum of 2 permits per household (1 per vehicle). For visitors to households covered by a Resident Permit Scheme, residents should use visitor permits, which are available in visitor booklets (25 visitor permits per booklet). Each household may obtain a maximum of 8 visitor booklets. A list of Resident Permit Schemes is provided in Appendix D. For more information on Resident Parking Permits or to apply for one, please visit the South Tyneside Council website.


Vehicles engaged in certain activities may be exempt from some regulations. This section outlines what vehicles may be exempt and the conditions under which the exemption applies.

Blue Badge holders

Blue Badges are issued to either a disabled driver, disabled passenger or an organisation that predominantly concerns the logistical transport of disabled passengers. They are only valid when the vehicle is being used for the transport of the disabled person and not for any other purposes, for example, shopping for a disabled person who is not themselves being transported by the vehicle.

A Blue Badge entitles the holder to park for free in on-street Pay and Display parking bays and Blue Badge-designated parking bays. A Blue Badge also entitles the holder to park on single or double yellow lines for up to 3 hours, if it does not cause an obstruction and a loading restriction is not also in operation (indicated by yellow kerb markings, see Section 4.3). A vehicle with a Blue Badge holder may not return to park in the same location on yellow lines for at least 1 hour. No other exemptions are available to Blue Badge holders.

A valid Blue Badge must be displayed when parking for a Blue Badge exemption to apply. Where a time limit applies to parking, a blue parking clock (received with a Blue Badge) showing the arrival time must be displayed alongside the Blue Badge. Failure to display a valid Blue Badge or blue clock may result in a PCN being issued.

It is illegal for anyone to misuse a Blue Badge. Misuse of a Blue Badge could result in a fine of up to £1000 and cancellation of the badge. Example of Blue Badge misuse include:

  • using someone else's badge without the badge holder being in the car or if the badge holder has died;
  • letting someone else use the badge;
  • parking in the wrong place or parking for too long where there is a time limit;
  • using a badge that has expired;
  • using a badge that has been reported as ‘lost’ or ‘stolen’;
  • using a copied badge;
  • changing the details on the badge, for example, the expiry date;
  • providing the wrong information on the application form;
  • using a fake badge.

For more information on using Blue Badges in South Tyneside, please visit the South Tyneside Council website.

Other exemptions

The following vehicles are exempt from the regulations, but only for so long as is reasonably necessary and provided they are being used in an official capacity. Vehicles being utilised for the following purposes should normally be liveried and not private vehicles. The exemption does not automatically extend to contractors working on behalf of the following services or activity categories.

  • Emergency services: Vehicles operated by the emergency services, such as ambulances, fire engines and police vehicles, are exempt from parking regulations when on an emergency call. Emergency service vehicles not engaged in official duties that are parked in contravention of parking regulations may be issued with a PCN.
  • Royal Mail vehicles engaged in the collection or delivery of postal packets are exempt from parking regulations provided that such activities are observed.
  • Vehicles used in the service of the Council are exempt from parking regulations while undertaking statutory duties, providing that it is necessary for the vehicle to park there.
  • Utilities companies’ vehicles: Vehicles being used in undertaking official duties concerning statutory utilities, e.g., gas, water, electricity and telecommunications, may be exempt from parking regulations.
  • Any vehicle which is being used in connection with any of the following operations:
  1. any building operation or demolition;
  2. the removal of any obstruction to traffic;
  3. the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of the road; or
  4. the laying, erection, alteration or maintenance in or near the road of any sewer, gas main or pipe or electricity or telecommunications infrastructure.


A parking dispensation allows a specified vehicle to park on single or double yellow lines or within a CPZ during hours of operation or a Resident Permit Scheme area for a specific time and location. A dispensation will only be considered if no suitable Pay and Display parking bays or loading bays are in the vicinity. A certificate is issued which must be displayed clearly in the vehicle.

Examples of where dispensation may be granted include:

  • Building, maintenance or repair works where proximity to the site is essential and the vehicle is essential to the work being undertaken;
  • Domestic removals;
  • Weddings, funerals and special events;
  • Goods vehicles making large deliveries where it is reasonable to allow a longer period than the period normally permitted by the Traffic Regulation Order;
  • Goods vehicles delivering bulky and/or heavy items where it would be impossible or hugely impractical to carry the item from the nearest parking bay;
  • Vehicles essential to filming operations.

A dispensation does not permit general parking nor allow the vehicle to remain in the restricted parking area once the purpose for the dispensation has been completed. The vehicle must be parked in accordance with the location, date and time, and purpose specified on the dispensation notice and leave either as soon as the dispensation expires or when the purpose for which the dispensation is granted is completed. If a vehicle is not in compliance with the terms of the dispensation, then a PCN may be issued. Dispensation is given at the Parking Team’s discretion. It will not be given to visitors to households on a street in a Resident Permit Scheme; visitor permits should be obtained. For further details on dispensation, contact the Parking Team at or 0191 424 7900.

Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)

If a vehicle appears to be in contravention of a parking restriction, a penalty charge notice (PCN) may be issued. A penalty charge may informally be referred to as a ‘parking fine’ The PCN states the apparent contravention and penalty charge due. A PCN can be affixed to the vehicle, handed to the driver or, under certain circumstances, issued by post to the registered keeper or hirer of the vehicle. Details of a PCN, including any accompanying images, can be viewed on the South Tyneside Council website.

Payment of PCN

The cost of a penalty charge in South Tyneside depends on the level of the contravention (see Appendix F) For high level contraventions, the charge is £70, and for low level contraventions, the charge is £50.

However, a 50% discount will be applied where payment is made subject to either of the following conditions:

  1. Within 21 days from the date of service where a PCN was issued using evidence from an approved device (CCTV camera); or
  2. Within 14 days from the date of service in all other cases.

A penalty charge may be paid by the following methods:

  • Online: A penalty charge can be paid online using a debit card on the South Tyneside Council website. The reference number of the PCN is needed to complete the payment process.
  • By telephone: A penalty charge can be paid by telephone using a credit or debit card. Please telephone 0191 427 7000, Monday to Friday 8am-6.30pm. The reference number of the PCN will be needed to complete payment.
  • In person: A penalty charge can be paid in person at South Shields Town Hall, Westoe Road, South Shields, between the hours of 10.00am and 3pm, excluding public and bank holidays. The reference number of the PCN will be needed to complete payment.

Challenging a PCN

If a PCN is considered to have been incorrectly issued, an informal challenge or informal written representation can be made. This can be done in writing within 28 days of the date of service of the PCN to: Parking Services Team – South Tyneside Council, South Shields Town Hall, Westoe Road, South Shields NE33 2RL. The address is also provided on the back of the PCN. Alternatively, the PCN can be challenged by emailing or online via the South Tyneside Council website. The challenge or written representation should provide the circumstances or grounds for consideration along with supporting evidence (if required).

If the PCN is challenged within 14 days of the notice being served and the challenge is rejected, a letter explaining the reason(s) for rejection will be sent. A further period of 14 days in which to pay the penalty charge at the discounted rate will be offered. If the PCN is challenged after the 14-day discount period has expired and the challenge is rejected, no further discount period will be offered. If a challenge is rejected, a formal written representation can still be made to the Council once a Notice to Owner has been sent.

If the penalty charge remains unpaid and/or a challenge has been rejected 28 days after the PCN was served, a Notice to Owner (NtO) will then be sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle, as documented by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA). The NtO will advise that there are 28 days from the date on which the NtO was served to either:

  1. Pay the penalty charge in full; or
  2. Make a formal written representation to the Council based upon the statutory grounds detailed in the NtO.

On receipt of a formal written representation the Council will carefully consider all the relevant facts and any mitigating circumstances contained in the NtO together with all of the information relating to the contravention held in its computer records, photographic evidence and CEOs’ handheld devices. If the representation is accepted, the keeper of the vehicle will be notified that the PCN has been cancelled and no further action will be taken. Any sum already paid in relation to the penalty charge shall be refunded. If representations are not accepted, a formal Notice of Rejection will be forwarded to the registered keeper of the vehicle advising that a Charge Certificate will be issued unless the PCN is paid or an appeal is made to the Adjudicator within 28 days of the Notice of Rejection being served. An appeal form will be enclosed with the Notice of Rejection. If a formal written representation is received outside of the 28-day period after the Notice of Rejection was served, the Council may still accept it if the owner gives a valid reason for the delay and has strong grounds for the representation.


Once a Notice of Rejection has been received, an appeal to an independent adjudicator can be made. An appeal cannot be made before receiving the Notice of Rejection. Any appeals should be forwarded to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal using the form enclosed with the Notice of Rejection. Full details of how to do this are provided in the Notice of Rejection letter sent by the Council. The adjudicator may only consider appeals on the statutory grounds listed in the NtO. The decision of the adjudicator is final and binding on both parties. If your appeal is accepted by the Traffic Penalty Tribunal, the Council will cancel the Penalty Charge Notice and no further action will be taken. If your appeal is dismissed by the Traffic Penalty Tribunal and no payment is made to the Council, a Charge Certificate will be issued by the Council.

Mitigating circumstances

In extraordinary circumstances, the Council may use its discretion to cancel a PCN if it is satisfied that there are compelling reasons to do so. However, a PCN may only be cancelled upon the receipt of satisfactory evidence as part of an informal or formal challenge or written representation and not by a CEO. The following table provides guidance on what may count as mitigating circumstances for different contraventions.

Table showing mitigating circumstances for different contraventions
Contravention General Presumption and Mitigating Circumstances
Failure to display valid ticket/permit Notice to be upheld.
Expired ticket Notice to be upheld.
Expired permit Notice to be upheld.
Gone for change Notice to be upheld.
Machine out of order Notice to be upheld unless there are ticket machine records confirming malfunction. If there is only one ticket machine in the car park and there is evidence to support the claim, then the notice will be waived. If other machines are available within the car park, the notice may be upheld. A motorist should report the ticket machine failure to the Council’s Parking Team, either by phoning 0191 424 7900 or emailing
Delayed for genuinely unforeseeable reasons The notice will be upheld unless there is appropriate evidence to support the appeal. Genuinely unforeseeable reasons refer to extraordinary circumstances, such as medical emergencies, and not to delays due to queues.
Purchased ticket/permit but failed to display Notice to be upheld. If the valid ticket is produced the notice may be waived but only on one occasion per vehicle per 12-month period
Failed to display Blue Badge Notice to be upheld.
Expired Blue Badge Notice to be upheld.
Blue Badge face down If the valid badge is produced, the notice may be waived. Repeat contraventions may not be considered.
Blue Badge on floor If the valid badge is produced, the notice may be waived. Repeat contraventions may not be considered.
Blue Badge: Clock time set incorrectly Notice to be upheld. Discretion to waive the charge may be exercised if arrival time shown is less than 15 minutes from time of observation.
Blue Badge with no clock On one occasion per annum discretion will be exercised. Thereafter mitigating circumstances will be taken into consideration
Not parked wholly within a marked space Notice to be upheld.
Parked in a space not designated for that type of vehicle Notice to be upheld.
Parked on a loading restriction Notice to be upheld.
Being in a Bus Lane or Bus Gate Notice to be upheld.
Received notice due to illness Notice may be waived upon production of satisfactory evidence.
Did not see signs Notice to be upheld, subject to signage being adequate and not misleading.
Car broken down/stolen Notice may be waived upon production of satisfactory evidence.

Appendix A - Council-controlled off-street car parks in South Tyneside

Pay and Display car parks
Car Park Number of Spaces Third-party Payment Service Number
Charlotte Street North 59 802958
Charlotte Street South 15 802957
Charlotte Street West 60 802959
Interchange 9 807632
North Street 102 802963
Salem Street 34 802964
Oyston Street 91 802961
Harbour Drive North 205 802956
Harbour Drive South 163 802955
Pierhead 328 802954
Pier Parade 57 802953
South Promenade North 125 802951
South Promenade South 149 802950
The Dragon, Bents Park 350 802952
Trow Quarry 253 802949
Marsden Lea 159 802948
Whitburn Bents 90 802947
Thomas Street 40 802960
Free off-street car parks
Car Park Number of Spaces
Hebburn Central 212
South Shields
Claypath Lane (Sat/Sun Only) 40
Back of Dean Road 73
Beacon Street 27
Wawn Street 63
New George Street 140
Victoria Road 48
Mill Dam 166
High Shields 87
St Hilda Street 31
Rear Ocean Road 130
Library 39
The Word 40
Winchester Street (Sat/Sun Only) 205
Chapel Road 19
Grange Road East 23
Gordon Street 12
Tyne Street 34
Hibernian Road 45
Napier Street 20
Slake Road 22
Barnes Institute 15
East Boldon
Boker Lane 17

Appendix B - Electric vehicle charging points and parking bays in Council-controlled car parks and on-street parking

Car Park Electric vehicle (EV) charging points Number of EV only bays
Charlotte Street West 1 7kW 2
Oyston Street 1 7kW 2
Pierhead 1 7kW, 1 50kW 3
Pier Parade 1 7kW 2
South Promenade South 1 7kW 2
Whitburn Bents 1 50kW 2
Hebburn Central 2 50kW 4
Back of Dean Road 1 7kW 2
Beacon Street 1 7kW 0
Wawn Street 1 7kW 0
Mill Dam 1 7kW, 1 50kW 3
Rear Ocean Road 2 7kW 0
St Hilda Street 1 7kW 2
The Word 1 7kW 2
Winchester Street 1 50kW 4
Tyne Street 1 7kW 0
Hibernian Road 2 7kW 0
Napier Street 1 50kW 2
Monkton Stadium 1 7kW 2
Sea Winnings Way 2 7kW 4
Stoddart Street 1 7kW 2
Galsworthy Road, Biddick Hall 1 7kW 0
Quarry Lane 1 7kW 2
Broughton Road / Anderson Street 1 7kW 2
Horsley Hill Square 1 7kW 0
Prince Edward Road, The Nook 1 7kW 2
Whiteleas Way Shops 1 7kW 2
Beech Avenue, Whitburn 1 7kW 0

Appendix C - South Shields Town Centre and Foreshore Parking Permit car parks

South Shields Town Centre Parking Permit car parks

  • Mill Dam
  • North Street
  • Oyston Street
  • Salem Street
  • St Hilda Street
  • Thomas Street
  • Winchester Street

Foreshore Parking Permit car parks

  • Harbour Drive North
  • Harbour Drive South
  • Marsden Lea
  • Pier Parade
  • Pierhead
  • South Promenade North
  • South Promenade South
  • The Dragon, Bents Park
  • Trow Quarry
  • Whitburn Bents

Appendix D - Resident permit schemes

Name of scheme Number of spaces
South Shields
Westoe Village 59
Grosvenor Road, Lavington Road 45
Sunderland Road 19
St Mary’s Avenue 24
Beaufront Terrace 9
St Hilda Street 5
Beach Road 60
Mowbray Road 16
Berkeley Street, Bolingbroke Street, Broughton Road, Romilly Street, Salisbury Street, Selbourne Street, Lyndhurst Street and South Woodbine Street 304
Broad Landing, Captains Wharf and Long Row 37
Brisbane Avenue and Melbourne Gardens 16
Lawe Road 14
Ashley Road and Talbot Road 26
Bamford Walk, Bonsall Court, Hathersage Gardens, Haylands Square, Hollingside Way and Hucklow Gardens 110
Prince Edward Street 6
Seafield Terrace 35
Grange Road West, Beverley Court and Selby Court 43
Caroline Street and Railway Street 38
Wellway, Hereford Way and The Hollow 49
South Drive 15
Bowman Street 10
East Boldon
Grange Terrace 6
North Road 14
High Sandgrove and Sandgrove 33

Appendix E - Locations of CCTV enforcement of school parking restrictions

CCTV cameras are used in the enforcement of school parking restrictions at the following locations.

School Location
South Shields
Ashley Primary School Ashley Road
Hadrian Primary School Fort Square
Harton Academy Lisle Road
Lord Blyton Primary School Blyton Avenue
Ridgeway Primary Academy Lynwood Way
Sea View Primary School Norham Avenue North
St Bede’s RC Primary Claypath Lane
Stanhope Primary School Gresford Street
Ss Peter and Paul RC Primary Olive Street
Boldon Colliery
Hedworth Lane Primary School Hedworth Lane
East Boldon
East Boldon Junior School North Lane
West Boldon
West Boldon Primary School Owen Drive
St James RC Primary School Mountbatten Avenue
Toner Avenue Primary School Wilkinson Avenue
Simonside Primary School Glasgow Road
Whitburn C of E Academy Rackly Way

Appendix F - Contravention codes and penalty charge levels

Code Suffixes Description Level
01 ajoyz Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours Higher
02 ajo Parked or loading / unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading / unloading restrictions are in force Higher
04 cs Parked in a meter bay when penalty time is indicated Lower
05 cgpsuv1 Parked after the expiry of paid for time Lower
06 cipv1 Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay & display ticket or voucher Lower
07 cgmprsuv Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond initial time Lower
08 c Parked at an out-of-order meter during controlled hours Lower
09 ps Parked displaying multiple pay & display tickets where prohibited Lower
10 p Parked without clearly displaying two valid pay and display tickets when required Lower
11 gu Parked without payment of the parking charge Lower
12 arstuwy4 Parked in a residents’ or shared use parking place or zone without a valid virtual permit or clearly displaying a valid physical permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place where required, or without payment of the parking charge Higher
14 ay89 Parked in an electric vehicles’ charging place during restricted hours without charging Higher
16 abdehqstwxyz4569 Parked in a permit space or zone without a valid virtual permit or clearly displaying a valid physical permit where required Higher
18 abcdefghmprsvxy12356789 Using a vehicle in a parking place in connection with the sale or offering or exposing for sale of goods when prohibited Higher
19 airsuwxyz4 Parked in a residents’ or shared use parking place or zone with an invalid virtual permit or displaying an invalid physical permit or voucher or pay and display ticket, or after the expiry of paid for time Lower
20 Parked in a part of a parking place marked by a yellow line where waiting is prohibited Higher
21 abcdefghlmnpqrsuvxy1256789 Parked wholly or partly in a suspended bay or space Higher
22 cfglmnopsv1289 Re-parked in the same parking place or zone within one hour after leaving Lower
23 abcdefghklprsvwxy123789 Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle Higher
24 abcdefghlmpqrsvxy1256789 Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space Lower
25 n2 Parked in a loading place or bay during restricted hours without loading Higher
26 n Parked in a special enforcement area more than 50 cm from the edge of the carriageway and not within a designated parking place Higher
27 no Parked in a special enforcement area adjacent to a footway, cycle track or verge lowered to meet the level of the carriageway Higher
28 no Parked in a special enforcement area on part of the carriageway raised to meet the level of a footway, cycle track or verge Higher
29 j Failing to comply with a one-way restriction N/A
30 acfglmnopsuy12789 Parked for longer than permitted Lower
31 j Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited N/A
32 jdt Failing to proceed in the direction shown by the arrow on a blue sign N/A
33 jbcefghikqrsyz Using a route restricted to certain vehicles N/A
34 j0 Being in a bus lane N/A
35 Parked in a disc parking place without clearly displaying a valid disc Lower
36 j Being in a mandatory cycle lane N/A
37 j Failing to give way to oncoming vehicles N/A
38 jlr Failing to comply with a sign indicating that vehicular traffic must pass to the specified side of the sign N/A
40 n Parked in a designated disabled person’s parking place without displaying a valid disabled person’s badge in the prescribed manner Higher
41 Stopped in a parking place designated for diplomatic vehicles Higher
42 Parked in a parking place designated for police vehicles Higher
43 Stopped on a cycle docking station parking place Higher
45 nw Stopped on a taxi rank Higher
46 n Stopped where prohibited (on a red route or clearway) Higher
47 jn Stopped on a restricted bus stop or stand Higher
48 j Stopped in a restricted area outside a school, a hospital or a fire, police or ambulance station when prohibited Higher
49 j Parked wholly or partly on a cycle track or lane Higher
50 jlru Performing a prohibited turn N/A
51 j Failing to comply with a no entry restriction N/A
52 jgmsvx Failing to comply with a prohibition on certain types of vehicle N/A
53 cj Failing to comply with a restriction on vehicles entering a pedestrian zone N/A
54 cj Failing to comply with a restriction on vehicles entering and waiting in a pedestrian zone N/A
55 A commercial vehicle parked in a restricted street in contravention of the Overnight Waiting Ban Higher
56 Parked in contravention of a commercial vehicle waiting restriction Higher
57 Parked in contravention of a bus ban Higher
58 Using a vehicle on a restricted street during prescribed hours without a valid permit N/A
59 Using a vehicle on a restricted street during prescribed hours in breach of permit conditions N/A
61 124cgn A heavy commercial vehicle wholly or partly parked on a footway, verge or land between two carriageways Higher
62 124cgn Parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway Higher
63 Parked with engine running where prohibited Lower
67 Using a vehicle on a restricted street without a valid HGV Safety Permit n/a
68 Using a vehicle on a restricted street in breach of HGV Safety Permit conditions n/a
70 Parked in a loading place or bay during restricted hours without loading Higher
71 Parked in an electric vehicles’ charging place during restricted hours without charging Higher
73 gu Parked without payment of the parking charge Lower
74 prs Using a vehicle in a parking place in connection with the sale or offering or exposing for sale of goods when prohibited Higher
78 abdefghklpquv156789 Parked wholly or partly in a suspended bay or space Higher
80 gu Parked for longer than permitted Lower
81 o Parked in a restricted area in an off-street car park or housing estate Higher
82 puv4 Parked after the expiry of paid for time Lower
83 4 Parked in a car park without clearly displaying a valid pay & display ticket or voucher or parking clock Lower
84 gu Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond initial time Lower
85 abtrwyz45 Parked without a valid virtual permit or clearly displaying a valid physical permit where required Higher
86 prs Not parked correctly within the markings of a bay or space Lower
87 Parked in a designated disabled person’s parking place without displaying a valid disabled person’s badge in the prescribed manner Higher
89 Vehicle parked exceeds maximum weight or height or length permitted Higher
90 psuv Re-parked in the same car park within one hour after leaving Lower
91 cg Parked in a car park or area not designated for that class of vehicle Higher
92 o Parked causing an obstruction Higher
93 Parked in car park when closed Lower
94 p Parked in a pay & display car park without clearly displaying two valid pay and display tickets when required Lower
95 Parked in a parking place for a purpose other than that designated Lower
96 Parked with engine running where prohibited Lower
99 no Stopped on a pedestrian crossing or crossing area marked by zigzags Higher

Appendix G - Glossary

Term Explanation
Adjudicator An independent lawyer, unconnected with any council, who has practised for at least five years.
Challenge The first stage of the appeal process against a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) where a motorist can make an informal representation against the issue of a PCN. If the challenge is received during the discount period, the 50% discount may be re-offered if unsuccessful.
Charge Certificate If a PCN is not paid in full within 28 days of receipt of a Notice to Owner, or an unsuccessful appeal, a Charge Certificate can be issued by the Council. A Charge Certificate increases the amount to pay by 50%. Upon receipt of a Charge Certificate, the motorist has 14 days to pay the outstanding amount before the Council will register the debt with the Traffic Enforcement Centre.
Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) See Section 3.1.
Contravention A parking contravention is a failure by a motorist to comply with the parking regulations as set out by Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs).
Discount Period The amount of time where a PCN can be paid at a reduced rate. See Section 6.1
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) The agency responsible for maintaining records relating to vehicles and drivers in the UK. If a PCN is not paid within 28 days from the date of issue, the DVLA will provide the Council with the details of the registered keeper from their database.
Notice of Rejection A letter served by the Council to a motorist after their formal representation against a Notice to Owner, indicating that their representations have been rejected.
Notice to Owner (NtO) A statutory notice served by the Council to the person understood to be the owner/hirer of a vehicle that has been issued with a PCN that remains unpaid after 28 days from the date on which the PCN was issued.
Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) See Section 6.
Registered Keeper The person or organisation recorded by the DVLA as being the keeper of a vehicle. Under the concept of “owner liability”, councils may assume that the registered keeper is also the owner of the vehicle for the purposes of enforcement, unless there is clear evidence to the contrary.
Representation Following receipt of an NtO, the registered keeper may make a formal representation against the issue of a PCN.
Traffic Penalty Tribunal An independent tribunal which considers appeals against PCNs when the motorist’s representations to the council have been rejected.
Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) An official order made by a council under the Road Traffic Act 1984 which details the nature and extent of parking controls within the council’s area. A contravention of the controls set out in a TRO may result in a PCN being issued.

Appendix H - Useful contacts

South Tyneside Council Customer Services

0191 427 7000; 8am – 6.30pm, Monday to Friday.

South Tyneside Council Parking Services

0191 4247900; 9am – 4.30pm, Monday to Thursday; 9am – 4pm, Friday

Traffic Enforcement Centre

0300 123 1059; 9am – 5pm.
5th Floor, St Katharine's House, 21-27 St Katharine's Street, Northampton, NN1 2LH.

Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space)


Traffic Penalty Tribunal
