Pool of model conditions

    Published 21st January 2021 An accessible document from southtyneside.gov.uk


    1. These conditions shall be read in conjunction with the “Guidance issued by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (2004)”.
    2. The conditions shall not be regarded as “standard conditions” which are to be automatically imposed in all cases. They are designed to provide a range of possible conditions which may need to be attached to Premises Licences depending upon differing situations. The wording of the conditions may need to be modified to suit a particular premises and situations.
    3. This is not an exhaustive or exclusive list of conditions. Additional conditions may be drafted and attached to Premises Licences to meet individual circumstances.
    4. Individuals preparing operating schedules are at liberty to use these conditions, or volunteer any other measures(s) to promote the Licensing objectives.
    5. When incorporated into a Premises Licence or Club Registration Certificate, any condition becomes enforceable under the law and a breach of such a condition could give rise to prosecution.

    Conditions relating to the prevention of crime and disorder

    The licensee, that is the person in whose name the Premises Licence is issued, shall ensure that at all times when the premises are open for any licensable activity, there are sufficient, competent staff on duty at the premises for the purpose of fulfilling the terms and conditions of the Licence and for preventing crime and disorder.

    (Note. Staffing requirements may vary dependant upon the size and nature of the premises and the licensable activities taking place, and specified in the “operating schedule”.)

    There shall be provided at the premises text and/or radio pager equipment to be operated in conjunction and in liaison with the Police.

    The text and/or pager system shall be capable of sending and receiving messages to and from the local Police, and other Licensees, designated premises supervisors, door supervisors, managers and club operators, incorporated into any joint and mutually beneficial scheme operating in the area.

    The text and/or pager system shall be maintained in good working order at all times when the premises are being used for a licensable activity.

    The text and/or pager system shall be activated, made available to, and monitored by the designated premises supervisor or a responsible member of staff at all times when the premises are being used for a licensable activity.

    The Licensee, designated premises supervisor or other person having responsibility for monitoring the text and/or pager system provided under the provisions of condition 3 shall comply with any instructions or directions received through the system form the Police.

    The Licensee, designated premises supervisor or other responsible person shall use the text and/or pager system provided under the provisions of condition 3 to notify and report any incident of crime and disorder to the police as soon as practically possible, in accordance with agreed protocols.

    The Licensee and designated premises supervisor shall ensure that:

    • (either)

      At all times the premises are open for any licensable activity.

    • Between ……… and ……… on …… (days) when the premises are open for a licensable activity.

    There are employed at the premises:

    • (either)

      An appropriate number.

    • ‘X’ number.

    of door supervisors (as defined in the Private Security Industry Act 2001).

    Door supervisors should be stationed in such numbers and in such positions as detailed on the attached schedule and approved plan of the premises.

    Door Supervisors may be male or female, but where physical searching of a patron is to be undertaken, such searching must be undertaken by staff of the same sex as the patron.

    Door supervisors shall be provided with ‘two-way’ radios or similar systems capable of ensuring continuous communication between each other at all times that the premises are open for a licensable activity.

    Door supervisors shall wear clothing of the same style, type and colour, which may be appropriate to the nature of the venue, but which will ensure they are clearly distinguishable and identifiable as door supervisors having regard to the events and activities taking place at the licensed premises.

    The Licensee shall ensure that on each day that door supervisors are engaged for duty at the premises, their details (names and licence numbers) are recorded in an appropriate book kept at the premises. In conjunction with this record book, the licensee shall also keep an incident book. This record book and incident book must be available for inspection by the Police or Authorised Officer at all times when the premises are open.

    Glass bottles containing beverages of any kind shall not be left in the possession of any patrons after service and following the discharge of the contents into an appropriate glass or drinking vessel.

    Glass bottles containing wine may be sold for consumption with a meal taken at a table, by customers who are seated in an area set aside exclusively for patrons taking table meals.

    No persons carrying open or sealed glass bottles shall be admitted to the premises at any time that the premises are open for any licensable activity.

    One pint and half pint capacity drinking glasses, and highball (tumbler) drinking glasses, in which drinks are served, shall be of strengthened glass (tempered glassware) or of a material whereby in the event of breakage, the glass will fragment with no sharp edges being left. Alternatively, drinks may be served in non-glassware drinking vessels (e.g. plastic, polystyrene, waxed paper).

    (Note. Weights and measures legislation requires the use of “stamped glasses” where “meter-measuring equipment” is not in use.)

    No glass drinking vessels or glass bottles shall be permitted (in the areas described in the attached schedule and delineated on the approved plan.)

    No alcoholic drinks may be consumed in the (areas described in the attached Schedule) (following areas) and delineated on the approved plan.

    No patrons shall be allowed to leave the premises whilst in the possession of any drinking vessel or open glass bottle, whether empty or containing any beverage.

    (Note. This condition shall not apply to patrons who have purchased beverages for consumption off the premises (within the curtilage of the premises licensed area or in the area covered by a Pavement Café Licence) with the express consent of the Licensee, designated premises supervisor or responsible person.)

    There shall be no off sales of alcoholic drinks except for consumption in an area which is covered by a “Pavement Cafe Licence”

    No alcoholic drinks shall be sold or supplied for consumption off the premises.

    Alcoholic drinks will be only be sold or supplied for consumption on the premises, (and there shall be no off sales)

    There shall be no sales of alcoholic drinks for consumption off the premises on any day when a “first class” football match is being played at St. James Park/Stadium of Light.

    There shall be no sales of alcoholic drinks for consumption off the premises on any day when an event is taking place subject to notification in writing from the Licensing Authority (in conjunction with Northumbria Police) at least seven days prior to the event.

    (Note. Examples of when such a notice may be given might be if a major outdoor event (sporting or otherwise) or a parade is scheduled to take place in an area of the local authority, and where it is considered that alcohol off-sales in that area might give rise to or add to potential crime and disorder problems)

    The maximum number of persons permitted on the premises at any one time shall not exceed ……… persons

    The number of persons permitted to assemble on the premises on the same occasion shall at no time exceed the permitted numbers specified on the Premises Licence.

    The maximum number of persons permitted in each of the following areas at any one time shall not exceed:


    but at no time shall the total number of persons on the premises as a whole exceed …… persons.

    The Licensee and designated premises supervisor shall ensure that there are effective management arrangement in place to enable them to know how many persons there are in the premises at all times when the premises are open for a licensable activity.

    The maximum number of persons permitted to assemble on the licensed premises, or relevant part of the licensed premises shall be indicated by a fixed notice bearing the words “Maximum Occupancy” with letters and numbers not less than 20 mm high, conspicuously sited at each relevant part of the premises and at the reception point.

    Seating for no less than ……… persons shall be provided in the premises at all times the premises are in operation.

    Seating shall be provided for all customers and alcohol shall only be served to those customers who are seated at tables by way of waiter or waitress service only.

    Except in the area identified and delineated (e.g., hatched, coloured green) on the deposited plan. Alcohol drinks shall only be sold or supplied to, and consumed by persons seated at a table, by way of waiter or waitress service, save that:

    1. No more than (number) persons may stand in the area identified and delineated (e.g. coloured blue) at any one time, and
    2. A person may take a drink from the area marked (e.g. coloured green) and sit in the area marked (e.g. coloured blue).

    All members of staff at the premises including Door Supervisors shall seek “credible photographic proof of age evidence” from any person who appears to be under the age of 18 years and who is seeking access to the premises or is seeking to purchase or consume alcohol on the premises. Such credible evidence, which shall include a photograph of the customer, will either be a passport, photographic driving licence, or Proof of Age card carrying a “PASS” logo.

    A suitably worded sign of sufficient size and clarity shall be displayed at the point of entry to the premises and in a suitable location at any points of sale, advising customers that they may be asked to produce evidence of their age.

    The Licensee shall not advertise, promote or supply alcoholic drinks in such a way that is intended or likely to encourage persons to consume alcohol to an excessive extent.

    The Licensee shall not supply alcoholic drinks at a “reduced price” during any limited period on any day.

    Reduced price means:

    1. At no cost to the customer, or
    2. By the way of exchange for any ticket or voucher, or
    3. By inclusion of the price of an alcoholic drink in some other charge or payment for a product, goods or services such as with a ‘mixer’, food or an entrance/cloakroom charge, or
    4. A price less than that being charged either during an earlier or later period of the same day, or
    5. In such a way whereby types, brands, and mixtures of drinks are sold either singly or in multiples, at a price for greater measures or quantities than those same drinks being sold for the same price but in smaller measures and quantities during an earlier or later period of the same day.

    The Licensee shall not supply alcoholic drinks in such a way which will enable or which is intended to enable persons to consume unlimited quantifies of alcoholic drinks on payment of a single payment or payment arrangement which is not related to the amount or number of alcoholic drinks supplied.

    The Licensee shall not sell or supply alcoholic drinks at prices less than the “agreed minimum prices”. “Agreed minimum prices” are the prices for a variety of specified products or types of drinks, agreed from time to time by all participating members of the “Pubwatch scheme”, in conjunction with the Council and Northumbria Police.

    A conspicuous notice shall be displayed on or immediately outside the premises adjacent to the entrance to the premises which gives details of times when the premises are permitted to be open for any licensable activity.

    A conspicuous notice shall be displayed on or immediately outside the premises, or which is immediately adjacent to the premises, which gives details of any restrictions relating to the admission of children to the premises.

    Suitably phrased, clear and conspicuous notices, shall be displayed near the entrance to the premises and in other appropriate locations such as sanitary conveniences advising patrons;

    1. of any risk of theft or possibility of other criminal activity.

    2. to exercise care with their personal possessions to prevent theft.

    3. how to report any incidents of theft or other criminal activity.

    All signs required under these conditions shall comply with those conditions, shall be placed in accordance with those conditions and be illuminated or positioned in well-lighted locations.

    A CCTV system shall be designed, installed and maintained in proper working order, to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority and in consultation with Northumbria Police. Such a system shall:

    • Ensure coverage of all entrances and exits to the Licensed Premises internally and externally,
    • Ensure coverage of such other areas as may be required by the Licensing Authority and Northumbria Police.
    • Provide continuous recording facilities for each camera to a good standard of clarity. Such recordings shall be retained (on tape or otherwise) for a period of two months, and shall be supplied to the Licensing Authority or a Police Officer on request.
    • Be in operation at all times the premises are in use.

    Conditions relating to public safety

    When disabled people are present, adequate arrangements shall exist to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency. Staff shall be aware of disabilities and react according to a pre-determined plan.

    All escape routes and exits shall be kept unobstructed, in good order with non-slippery and even surfaces, free of trip hazards and clearly identified.

    All exit doors whenever the premises are occupied, shall be easily openable in the case of an emergency, without the use of a key, card, code or similar means. Panic bolts shall not be secured with chains, padlocks or other locking devices when the Licensed Premises are being used for the purposes of the licence. Arrangements must be made to ensure that security-fastening devices are displayed in a prominent position under management control when the premises are open to the public.

    All exit doors shall be regularly checked to ensure that they function satisfactorily and a record of the check kept on the premises.

    All fire doors shall be maintained effectively self closing and shall not be held open other than by approved devices. Rising butt hinges do not constitute a self closing device for the purposes of this condition.

    Fire resisting doors to ducts, service shafts, and cupboards shall be kept locked shut to prevent unauthorised access.

    The edges of steps and stairs shall be conspicuous. Mats, matting, carpets and other floor coverings shall be secured to the surface they cover and shall be so maintained.

    Safety checks shall be carried out daily before the admission of the public. These shall correspond with the risk assessment and the conditions of the licence.

    A written record of all periodic tests, examinations, inspections, staff training and results referred to herein shall be made in the log book provided by the Council. The log book shall be kept on the premises at all times and shall be available for examination by authorised officers of the Council, Northumbria Police and by officers of the Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade.

    All licensed premises shall have a means of giving warning to persons in the event of an outbreak of fire or other emergency. Where determined by the risk assessment that a mains electrical fire alarm is required, this shall be designed to and installed in accordance with British Standard 5838 Current Edition. Activation of the fire alarm shall operate an electronically linked automatic cut off switch to silence any amplified music, this device shall not infringe compliance of the system with the appropriate British Standard.

    Fire fighting equipment shall be provided in the licensed premises in accordance with the risk assessment with staff suitably trained as necessary.

    Curtains and drapes shall be adequately supported and shall not be hung across stairs, stairways or gangways. Curtains and drapes may be hung over doors, but shall be so hung as to draw easily and slide freely. All curtains and drapes shall be hung so that they do not come into contact with the floor, and do not conceal notices. All curtains and drapes shall either be inherently flame proof or shall be treated to be flame proof.

    Upholstered seating shall meet on a continual basis the pass criteria for smouldering ignition source 0, flaming ignition source 1 and crib ignition source 5 when tested in accordance with section 5 of BS 5852:1990 or equivalent standard.

    Prior advice shall be sought from the Licensing Authority before temporary decorations are used, and the risk assessment amended accordingly.

    Notices detailing the actions to be taken in the event of fire or other emergency, including how to summon the fire brigade shall be prominently displayed and protected from damage and deterioration.

    The Licensee must instruct all members of staff and competent attendants in the protection of the premises from fire, the use of fire fighting equipment, the action to be taken in the event of a fire and the method of summoning the Fire Brigade.

    The responsible person where there is an outbreak of fire, however slight, shall raise the alarm, evacuate the building, and call the fire brigade. Following the incident, the responsible person shall ensure that the details are recorded in a Fire Log Book. Any remedial work necessary to restore fire precautions to their original standard shall be completed with systems fully functional prior to re-admittance of the public.

    The responsible person shall notify the Licensing Authority as soon as possible if the water supply to any hydrant, hose-reel, sprinkler, drencher or other fire extinguishing installation is cut off or restricted.

    Access to the premises for emergency vehicles shall be kept clear and free from obstruction.

    Adequate and appropriate equipment and materials shall be provided for enabling first aid to be rendered to members of the public if they are injured or become ill whilst at the licensed premises.

    At least one suitably trained first aider per 500 people shall be on duty at all times when the public are present up to the first 3,000 and then one per 1,000 for the remainder.

    If, having regard to the nature of the premises, the number of persons visiting it and the location of the premises, it would be adequate and appropriate to do so, then instead of a person for rendering first aid there shall be a person appointed to take charge of the situation relating to an injured or ill member of the public and the first aid equipment and facilities.

    All areas including circulation areas and exit routes shall be adequately illuminated whenever the premises are being used for the purpose of this licence. Such lighting shall be maintained in working order.

    Fire safety signs must be illuminated in accordance with BS5266 Part 1 Current Edition.

    Emergency lighting shall be provided in accordance with BS5266 (current edition) or an equivalent standard approved by the Licensing Authority.

    Emergency lighting shall not be altered without prior consent of the Licensing Authority.

    The emergency lighting system shall be checked to ensure it is operating correctly before the admission of the public, members or guests.

    In the event of the failure of normal lighting arrangements shall be in place to ensure that the public, members or guests leave the premises immediately.

    An investigation into any failure of the system shall be carried out to ascertain whether it is safe for persons to remain in the premises when only the emergency lighting is operating.

    Emergency lighting installations shall comply with BS 5266 or equivalent standard.

    Temporary electrical wiring and distribution systems shall not be provided without notification to the licensing authority at least ten days before commencement of the work and prior inspection by a suitable qualified electrician. Premises shall not be opened to the public until the work is deemed satisfactory by the above parties.

    Where it is not possible to give ten days notification to the licensing authority of provision of temporary electrical wiring and distribution systems, the work shall be undertaken by competent, qualified persons.

    Temporary electrical wiring and distribution systems shall comply with the recommendations of BS7671 or where applicable BS7909.

    All temporary electrical wiring and distribution systems shall be inspected and certified by a competent person before they are put to use.

    An appropriately qualified medical practitioner shall be present throughout a sports entertainment involving boxing, wrestling, judo, karate or similar.

    Where a ring is constructed for the purposes of boxing, wrestling or similar sports, it must be constructed by a competent person, and inspected by a Building Control Officer of the Council (at the cost of the applicant). Any material used to form the skirt around the ring must be flame retardant.

    At any wrestling or other entertainment of a similar nature, members of the public shall not occupy any seat within 2.5 metres of the ring.

    Any Licensee wishing to hold a ‘Total Fighting’ event on the licensed premises shall first apply to the Council for a variation of this licence and in the event that such application is granted, shall comply with any additional conditions that may be imposed. The term ‘Total Fighting’ shall include any ‘full contact’ martial arts involving the combined codes of judo, karate and ju-jitsu, judo, sombo and Olympic wrestling or any other mixed martial arts.

    At water sports entertainments, staff adequately trained in rescue and life safety procedures shall be stationed and remain within the vicinity of the water at all material times.

    No alterations shall be made to the premises which make it impossible to comply with an existing licence condition without first seeking a variation of the premises licence proposing the deletion of the condition in question. The applicant will need to propose a new operating schedule reflecting the proposed alteration to the premises and how he or she intends to take alternative steps to promote the public safety objective and amend the risk assessment accordingly.

    Conditions relating to public safety in theatures, cinemas, concerts halls and similar places

    The number of attendants on each floor in a closely seated auditorium shall be as set out on the table below:

    Number of attendants on each floor
    Number of members of the audience present on a floor Minimum number of attendants required to be present on that floor
    1 - 100 One
    101 - 250 Two
    251 - 500 Three
    501 - 750 Four
    751-1000 Five

    And one additional attendant for each additional 250 persons (or part thereof)

    Attendants shall not be engaged in any duties that would hinder the prompt discharge for their duties in the event of an emergency or entail their absence from that floor or auditorium where they are on duty.

    All attendants shall be readily identifiable to the audience (but this need not entail the wearing of a uniform).

    The premises shall not be used for a closely seated audience except in accordance with seating plan(s), a copy of which is available at the premises and shall be shown to any authorised person on request.

    No article shall be attached to the back of any seat which would reduce the clear width of seatways or cause a tripping hazard or obstruction.

    A copy of any certificate relating to the design, construction and loading of any temporary seating shall be kept available at the premises and shall be shown to any authorised person on request.

    Sitting on floors shall not be permitted except where authorised in the premises licence or club premises certificate.

    Waiting or standing shall not be permitted except in areas designated in the premises licence or club premises certificate.

    In no circumstances shall anyone be permitted to:

    • sit in any gangway;
    • stand or sit in front of any exit; or
    • stand or sit on any staircase including any landings.

    Except as authorised by the premises licence or club premises certificate, no drinks shall be sold to or be consumed by a closely seated audience except in plastic and paper containers.

    Clothing or other objects shall not be placed over balcony rails or upon balcony fronts.

    Any special effects or mechanical installation shall be arranged and stored to minimise any risk to the safety of the audience, the performers and staff.

    Except with the prior written approval of the Council and subject to any conditions, which may be attached to such approval no special effects shall be used on the premises.

    Special effects include:

    • dry ice machines and cryogenic fog;
    • smoke machines and fog generators;
    • pyrotechnics, including fireworks;
    • real flame;
    • firearms;
    • motor vehicles;
    • strobe lighting;
    • lasers (see HSE Guide The Radiation Safety of lasers used for display purposes [HS(G)95] and BS EN 60825: Safety of laser products);
    • explosives and highly flammable substances.

    In the case of any other special effects with safety implications prior notification shall be given in writing by the responsible licensing authority at least 10 days before the event with details as to their use to enable the Authority to consider if further inspection by the Fire Authority is necessary. It may be required that staff trained in fire prevention and extinction be present during any such performance.

    Any scenery shall be maintained flame-retardant.

    Where a safety curtain is provided, it shall be arranged to protect the audience from the effects of a fire or smoke on stage for sufficient time to enable the safe evacuation of the auditorium.

    Where a risk assessment requires a sprinkler or drencher all safety curtains incorporating a drencher, all smoke ventilators and sprinklers (where fitted) shall be maintained unobstructed and in good working order.

    Where a stage with a proscenium arch is not equipped with a safety curtain, any curtains provided between the stage and the auditorium shall be heavyweight and be made of non-combustible material or inherently or durably treated flame-retarded fabric.

    All ceilings in those parts of the premises to which the audience are admitted shall be inspected by a suitably qualified person who will decide when a further inspection would be necessary and a certificate concerning the condition of the ceilings forwarded to the licensing authority.

    Where the potential audience exceeds 250 all seats in the auditorium shall, except in boxes accommodating not more than 8 persons, be either securely fixed to the floor or battened together in lengths of not fewer than four or more than twelve.

    Where premises used for film exhibitions are not equipped with a staff alerting system the number of attendants present shall be as set out in the table below:

    Number of members of the audience present
    Number of members of the audience present on the premises Minimum number of attendants required to be on duly
    1 – 250 2
    And one additional attendant for each additional 250 members of the audience present (or part thereof)
    Where there are more than 150 members of an audience in any auditorium or on any floor At least one attendant shall be present in any auditorium or on any floor

    Where premises used for film exhibitions are equipped with a staff alerting system the number of attendants present shall be as set out in the table below:

    Number of members of the audience present
    Number of members of the audience present on the premises Minimum number of attendants required to be on duty Minimum number of other staff on the premises who are available to assist in the event of an emergency
    1 – 500 Two One
    501-1000 Three Two
    1001-1500 Four Four
    1501 or more Five plus one for every 500 (or part thereof) persons over 2000 on the premises Five plus one for every 500 (or part thereof) persons over 2000 on the premises

    Staff shall not be considered as being available to assist in the event of an emergency if they are:

    • the holder of the premises licence or the manager on duty at the premises; or
    • a member of staff whose normal duties or responsibilities are likely to significantly affect or delay his response in an emergency situation; or
    • a member of staff whose usual location when on duty is more than 60 metres from the location to which he is required to go on being alerted to an emergency situation.

    Attendants shall as far as reasonably practicable be evenly distributed throughout all parts of the premises to which the public have access and keep under observation all parts of the premises to which the audience have access.

    The staff alerting system shall be maintained in working order and be in operation at all times the premises are in use.

    The level of lighting in the auditorium shall be as great as possible consistent with the effective presentation of the film; and the level of illumination maintained in the auditorium during the showing of films would normally be regarded as satisfactory if it complies with the standards specified in BS CP 1007 (Maintained Lighting for Cinemas).

    No flammable films shall be allowed on the premises without the prior notification of the licensing authority/fire authority.

    Conditions relating to public nuisance

    Noise and vibration shall not be audible outside the premises.

    The internal LAeq 15min and the Leq 15 min for the 63Hz frequency centred octave band shall not be increased within nearby residential properties (measured with windows at the dwellings either open or closed) as a result of noise emissions from the licensed premises.

    Windows, doors and fire escapes shall remain closed during proposed entertainment events within the premises

    Noise generated by amplified music shall be controlled by a noise limiting device set at a level determined by the Local Authority Environmental Health Officer, such level being confirmed in writing to the Licensee.

    Noise limiting devices, once set, cannot be reset or adjusted without consultation with the Local Authority Environmental Health Officer.

    The lobby doors at the premises shall be kept closed except for access and egress. Door staff shall supervise to ensure that the doors are maintained closed as far as possible when public entertainment is taking place.

    The use of fireworks and pyrotechnics is restricted to the hours of …………… to ………………

    Internal and external lighting provided for the purpose of customer and staff safety and for the security of the premises shall be so positioned to not cause nuisance to neighbouring or adjoining properties.

    Lighting associated with activities of entertainment shall be positioned so as not to cause nuisance to neighbouring or adjoining properties.

    Lighting provided externally to promote advertising of the premises or activities associated with the premises shall be of an intensity such as not to cause nuisance to neighbouring or adjoining properties.

    Suitable ventilation and extraction systems shall be provided to eliminate noxious odours. Such systems shall be maintained on a regular basis.

    Premises shall enter into a waste removal agreement with a licensed waste disposal contractor and keep documented evidence of the agreement.

    Empty bottles shall be stored in a lidded skip within the curtilage of the premises prior to collection. Operationally bottles shall be removed from the public area on a frequent basis and transferred to the skip. It is recommended that transfer to an external skip shall not be undertaken after 11.00pm to minimise noise disturbance to adjoining properties.

    Provide clear and legible notices displayed at exits and other circulatory areas requesting patrons to leave the premises having regard to the needs of local residents, in particular emphasising the need to refrain from shouting, slamming car doors and the sounding of car horns shall also be discouraged.

    The premise personal licence holder, designated premise supervisor and door supervisor shall monitor the activity of persons leaving the premises and remind them of their public responsibilities where necessary.

    Conditions relating to the prevention of harm to children

    Children under 18 years will not be allowed access to the premises.

    Children under 12 unaccompanied by an adult over 18 must not be admitted to the premises after 11 pm.

    Where the Licensing Authority classifies films for the admission of children under 18 years:

    1. Any film must be submitted to the Licensing Authority at least 28 days before it is shown for classification.
    2. The premises licence holder or club premises certificate holder must adhere to the age restriction imposed.

    Only films that have been classified by the British Board of Film Classification as U, PG, 12A, 15 or 18 or as classified by any other body designated under section 4 of the Video Recordings Act 1984 or as otherwise classified by the Licensing Authority may be exhibited on the premises. The premises licence holder or club premises certificate holder must adhere to the age restriction in accordance with the following classification:

    • “U” Universal - means films suitable for audiences aged 4 years and over
    • “PG” Parental Guidance - means films where some scenes that may be unsuitable for young children
    • “12A” - means films passed only for viewing by persons aged 12 years or older or persons under 12 years when accompanied by an adult
    • “15” - means films passed only for viewing by persons aged 15 years and over
    • “18” - means films passed only for viewing by persons aged 18 years and over

    Immediately before the exhibition of a film there must be exhibited on screen for at least 5 seconds a representation or written statement of the film‘s classification in such a manner as can be easily read by all persons attending the entertainment and also in the case of a trailer advertising any film.

    Where a film is to be shown that has been classified as 12A, 15 or 18 the licence holder must cause a notice to be displayed, in a conspicuous position, at the entrance to the premises or room in which the film is to be shown reading:


      this notice must refer to the oldest age restriction where films of different categories are included in one programme.

    Children under the age of 18 years shall not have access to the premises (or specified part thereof) during any time when an activity, entertainment or service of an adult and/or sexual nature is provided. For the purposes of this condition entertainment of an adult or sexual nature includes but is not limited to performances involving feigned violence or horrific incidents, entertainment involving strong, foul, offensive or abusive language, nudity, striptease (sometimes referred to as exotic dancing), lap dancing, table dancing, pole dancing, feigned or actual sexual acts or fetishism, or which is likely to offend against good taste or decency or any other entertainment of a similar nature.

    Entertainment provided wholly or mainly for unaccompanied children shall have:

    • At least one attendant per 50 children or part thereof who must be on duty in the area(s) occupied by the children and stationed in the vicinity of each exit and at the head of each stairway
    • Attendants must wear distinctive clothing or suitable armbands
    • Attendants must be present throughout the entertainment and while the audience is entering and leaving the building

    The licensee shall ensure that all staff employed to supervise children have been properly vetted (by an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check) and have no convictions that would make them unsuitable to supervise children.

    The Children (Performances) Regulations 1968 SI No 1728 as amended regulates the performance of children in shows. An adult must supervise a child or children at all times. There must be one supervisory adult for every 12 children. The show venue must be large enough to safely accommodate the child or children backstage. All chaperones and production crew must receive the fire instruction procedures applicable to the venue prior to the arrival of the child or children. You must consider the adverse effects of special effects upon the health and safety of any child or children.

    Compliance with the Portman Group’s Retailer Alert Bulletins is required.