Medium Term Financial Plan 2024 - 2029

Published February 2024 An accessible strategy document from


As we enter year two of our 20-year vision for the Borough we do so with a refreshed performance framework and even better understanding of the challenges which the Borough faces as well as the opportunities which are available. This Medium Term Financial Plan has been compiled using evidence, insights, and feedback from the people of the Borough. Its content aligns with our Vision for South Tyneside to be a place where people live healthy, happy, and fulfilled lives and our five core ‘Ambitions’ for residents delivered through our 2023-26 strategic plan and underpinned by our organisational PROUD values.

Our Ambitions

We have five ‘Ambitions’ – the things we want to achieve over the next 20 years to help deliver our Vision. These five Ambitions will guide everything we do.

We want all people in South Tyneside to be:

Financially Secure

Residents will be financially secure. They will have what they need for a good standard of living.

Healthy and Well

Residents will enjoy good mental and physical health throughout their lives. They will have the best start in life and be able to age well.

Connected to jobs

Residents will have access to jobs, skills, and learning. They will have the skills and confidence to apply for a wide range of quality local jobs. These jobs will be in key and growing areas of employment and benefit all our borough.

Part of strong communities

Residents will live in clean, green, and connected communtieis where they feel safe.

And we want these things for every resident, so we are committed to:

Targeting support to make things fairer

We will target support at the residents and parts of our borough that need it the most, reducing inequalities and making things fairer.

As a Council, setting a balanced budget is one of the most difficult but important responsibilities we have. Each year, we weigh up pressures including increased demand for services, reduced central government funding, and competing commitments, priorities, and ambitions. Our 20-year vision continues to be the main driver and focus of our budget planning.

Our Medium Term Financial Plan outlines how our energy and resources are focused on tackling the biggest and most fundamental societal issues facing residents, whilst continuing to deliver the hundreds of day-to-day services including supporting those in need or families in crisis to maintaining our highways and keeping parks and beaches clean and accessible.

We know that our residents continue to face pressure from the ongoing Cost-of-Living crisis. Our support services have helped thousands across South Tyneside and our continued work with the Borough’s voluntary sector and signposting to outreach networks have helped face the challenge head on. We continue to do what we can to support residents and businesses in the Borough, working together to reshape our services to ensure that they are sustainable.

As an organisation we want to be the absolute best for our residents and continue to change as an organisation, for the better. Our Council change programme has laid the foundations for real transformational change, as we move to the next phase of our change journey we are focusing our activities on prevention and early intervention to reduce the need for acute services and support, income generation and commercialisation to create sustainable services, the modernisation of working practices including the use of the latest technology as well as the application of insights data about the state of the Borough to approach the challenges we have ahead. We are a Council that works to a vision and ambitions that put our people at the heart of everything we do.

On top of delivering our critical day to day services, we’ve pressed forward with some fantastic projects and service improvement that are really beginning to make the difference for our residents.

We have made further progress on our regeneration and growth projects like the International Advanced Manufacturing Park, Holborn Riverside, and a new campus for Tyne Coast College. We have also brought forward a new masterplan for South Shields Town Centre and undertaken extensive consultation ahead of a new masterplan for Hebburn, with future consultation planned for Jarrow as part of the £20m Long-Term Plan for Towns fund we secured for the area.

The Council achieved its first interim target of reducing carbon emissions by 25 per cent (5,710 tonnes) by March 2023. We continue to improve the energy efficiency of the Borough. In 2023 we completed two innovative renewable energy schemes, one in Jarrow and one in Hebburn delivering a combined carbon saving of 1,355 tonnes per year. We still have ambitions to bring forward a scheme as part of the Holborn Riverside regeneration project.

As we consider the budget for 2024/25, we do so in a challenging financial landscape. Just like residents and businesses, the Council is faced with high inflation and increased costs.

Our financial pressures remain. After over a decade of austerity we are a leaner organisation but with over half of our funding slashed we continue to incorporate learning from the challenges we have faced to create efficiencies and achieve best value for money. Innovation in the use of technology and more agile ways of delivering services will be embedded into our future plans as we look to redesign our delivery in coproduction with residents and businesses.

We have been very successful in attracting millions of pounds of external funding for the Borough including £20m from the third round of the Levelling Up Fund for Holborn Riverside, and a further £20m for Jarrow from the Long-Term Plan for Towns fund. The Borough has also been named a Levelling Up Partnership Area.

We continue to do all we can to leverage any funding opportunities available to us to bring forward transformational projects for South Tyneside. Working with our regional partners, the £4.2billion devolution deal for the North-East secures important decision-making powers and investment for our region and for South Tyneside. This will allow us to make decisions that reflect local needs and invest wisely into projects that will make a difference for all our residents, communities, and local economy. We will take every opportunity to attract additional investment above and beyond our core Council funding.

The commitments within the deal to building better homes, investing in jobs and skills, transport, and taking major steps to net zero are important factors in addressing system inequalities that exist within our society.

Continuing pressures in adult and children’s social care are not new, yet they continue to grow despite the amazing efforts we are making to work with service users to co-produce and redesign our services. Around 70% of our discretionary budget is spent on social care alone. Consequently, that is why we are investing in three new extra care accommodation schemes across the Borough and two independent supported living schemes to support residents who may need additional help to live independently in the community. Alongside these, work on new residential children’s homes have started on site to almost triple the number of placements in South Tyneside for looked-after children and young people. By investing where we need it most, we will look to bring down some of our social care costs in the future.

As a Council, we continue to seek certainty from Central Government on long-term funding to cover increased cost pressures and rising demand and in to invest in local services so that we can change lives and communities for the better.

Despite ongoing financial pressures, with this year’s Medium Term Financial Plan, we have continued to listen to residents and businesses, considered the evidence underpinning our decision making and aligned our resources to our 20-year vision and ambitions. We have set a balanced budget that continues delivery of our transformational projects for the future whilst supporting residents in the challenges they face today.

This Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) is our strategic financial plan incorporating the priorities for investment for the Council and the community.

Councillor Tracey Dixon Leader of the Council

Financial Context

Introduction from the Lead Member Governance, Finance & Corporate Services, Cllr Joanne Bell

Medium Term financial planning is a key part of South Tyneside’s policy and budget framework. Driven by our South Tyneside Council Strategy and the ambitions within it, it sets out our strategic approach to the management of our finances, within which delivery of our priorities will be progressed.

Like all local authorities, South Tyneside Council operates within a framework of statutory obligations that are shaped by wider political and legislative powers. This document covers the period 2024-25 to 2028-29 and is subject to annual review. This helps to ensure our financial planning is responsive to changing national and local factors, considering emerging risks and to protect our financial health. This document also sets the Council’s budget for 2024-25.

Wider factors which influence what we can deliver

National legislation

For example, introduction of new local responsibilities or changing relationships such as with schools or health partners

Funding decided at a national level

Including funding pots which areas must compete for, or changes to business rates or council tax affecting expected revenue

Economic environment

Including rising inflation, impacting on energy bills, staff wages and goods and services

Societal changes

Including new technology and changing global priorities, such as around climate action, the shift to increasingly remote working, or political conflicts

National policy and guidance

For example new inspection frameworks or standards

The different powers and functions devolved to different levels of government

For example around skills or transport

Changes in demand

For example an aging population meaning a greater number of residents requiring support to live independently, or a birth rate increase meaning more nursery or school places

Our key financial planning principles are:

  • Financial sustainability over the long and short-term
  • Planning over multi-year horizon
  • Alignment of decisions with Strategic Priorities
  • Availability of investment and savings choices which are clear and transparent
  • Explicit linkages between capital budgets and revenue investment / costs
  • Risk mitigation against existing and emerging macro cost pressures

Working with our partners, we have delivered a huge range of services and successful outcomes for both the residents and businesses of South Tyneside, including:

  • Manage 550km of road and 1700km footway
  • Welcome 6.3m visitors to the Borough
  • Support over 22,000 children in their nursery, primary and secondary education
  • Handle over 300,000 customer contacts
  • Process over 60,000 benefit applications and changes
  • Manage over 16,000 Council homes
  • Process 730 planning applications
  • Empty 6.5m bins
  • Investigate 11,000 noise complaints
  • Inspect 600 food outlets
  • Process 3,100 licenses and permits
  • Support 2,500 to access assistive technology to remain independent
  • Deal with 21,000 new adult social care contacts
  • Support 3,500 adult learners
  • Manage 2,000 referrals to Children’s Social Care
  • Support 3,000 ‘in need’ children and young people (including children in care or on a child protection plan or care leavers)
  • Maintain 1.2m trees
  • Host 1.5m admissions to Council leisure facilities
  • Support 4,300 individuals with special educational needs
  • Cut 550 hectares of grass
  • Manage over 140 industrial units
Councillor Joanne Bell Lead Member Resources and Innovation

Financial Challenge

These are seriously challenging times for local people, businesses and for local councils. Across the country, councils are grappling with balancing budgets and keeping frontline services going. Despite some more recent falls in inflation, the cost-of-living crisis continues to be clearly and understandably at the forefront of people’s minds and a key focus for the Council whilst also dealing with rises in living costs, energy and fuel costs.

This coupled with increases in demand for Adults and Children’s social care post Covid-19 and the increased costs of these services means that the Council needs to spend more money to continue to deliver our current services. Recent Central Government announcements including the recent provisional settlement and economic forecasts indicate that future funding for councils beyond the lifetime of this parliament will be extremely tight.

In 2021 Central Government announced major changes to adult social care funding in respect of how we pay for care and how individuals pay towards the cost of their care. Whilst some aspects have been delayed, the financial impact of the reforms has the potential to be significant and there remains a great deal of uncertainty associated with this going forward, particularly if the costs of the reforms are not fully funded by Central Government.

We continue to adapt to our evolving circumstances and explore new and different ways to deliver our services in the context of a reducing core Government grant. We also review our comparative spending levels with other authorities by reference to tools such as the Cipfa Resilience Index. Our core Central Government funding has reduced by 52% since 2010. A series of one-year financial settlements from Central Government makes taking a long-term view of services and finances extremely difficult.

The Council receives 63% of its income from Council taxpayers, retained business rates and use of reserves. Previous cuts to Central Government funding and demand pressures have meant that councils now rely significantly more on local tax revenues for their overall funding. The budget has been calculated incorporating an increase of 4.95% in Council Tax for 2024/25. 2% of this increase relates to the adult social care levy contributing towards the funding gap within Adult Social Care services.

Assessing Potential Impacts

Councils have a duty under the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 to consider the impact of their decisions on people with ‘protected characteristics’. There are nine protected characteristics identified by the Act: age, disability, gender reassignment and identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

We are committed to embracing the principles of equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging (EDIB) in everything that we do. For example, we now have an elected member portfolio and lead, an elected member champion to promote the principles of EDIB, established clear equality objectives and re-affirmed our commitment against racism by formally signing an Anti-Racism charter.

We have also taken steps to increase and positively acknowledge the diversity within our workforce through several collaborative forums as well as an ongoing survey to better understand the characteristics of our workforce. One of our new core ambitions is also to “target support to make things fairer” which will underpin our aim of reducing inequality.

As part of setting our budget we carry out Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) of proposals that will result in a change to services or policies in the next financial year to understand the impact of these changes on our population and to make sure we do not discriminate against individuals or groups. This will support us in making fair, transparent and evidence – based decisions.


We are committed to supporting a sustainable Borough which deals with the challenges of climate change. The Council agreed a strategic plan, “Sustainable South Tyneside 2020-25” to move towards a carbon neutral future. The Council continues to lead the Sustainable South Tyneside agenda, mobilising investment and delivering a range of projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Council’s operational activities.

Major projects include investment in renewable energy schemes across the Borough which will significantly cut carbon emissions whilst providing heating and electricity to a number of buildings. We are also delivering the Stronger Shores project with nature-based solutions which will help protect against coastal erosion and flooding.

We are supporting awareness and behavioural change around climate change, promoting a shift towards sustainable and active modes of transport. This includes adoption of a hybrid working policy within the Council which has reduced emissions from fewer private car journeys. We are also investing in greater electrification of our own vehicle fleet and continuing the replacement of street lighting with energy efficient LED bulbs.

Revenue Budget

How we Fund our Budget

The table below sets out the Council’s forecast level of funding for the period 2024-25 to 2028-29. The table indicates that the Council has four main sources of funding; government grants, council tax, business rates and council reserves.

Forecast level of funding for 2024/25 to 2028/29
2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29
Government Funding
Revenue Support Grant 18.459 18.828 19.205 19.589 19.981
Business Rates Top Up 38.169 38.932 39.711 40.505 41.315
Services Grant 0.345 0.345 0.345 0.345 0.345
Subtotal Government Funding 56.973 58.105 59.261 60.439 61.641
Collection Fund
Council tax 75.380 78.428 82.456 85.712 89.064
Retained business rates 14.890 15.188 15.492 15.802 16.118
Collection Fund Contribution 1.420 0.500 0.200 0.200 0.200
Subtotal collection fund 91.690 94.116 98.148 101.714 105.382
Use of reserves
General use of reserves 8.869 4.793 0.051 (1.714) (3.309)
Subtotal use of reserves 8.869 4.793 0.051 (1.714) (3.309)
Total general fund budget 157.532 157.014 157.460 160.439 163.714

Government Funding

The Local Government Finance Settlement announced in December 2023 only provided confirmation of funding for 2024/25.

The provisional settlement was announced on 18 December 2023, followed by the final settlement on 5 February 2024. Our core spending power will increase from £183.9 million to £198.0 million, an increase of 8.4%, which compares with an all-England average of 7.5%. This includes:

  • Settlement Funding Assessment increase from £68.6 million to £71.8 million, an increase of 4.6%. The increase of £3.2 million relates to:
    1. The Revenue Support Grant (RSG), which will increase from £17 million to £18.5 million, an increase of 8.8%;
    2. Baseline Funding Level, which is the Government’s notional measure of business rates income due to councils and incorporates the Business rates Top-Up Grant has increased from £51.3 million to £53.3 million, an increase of 3.9%.
  • Improved Better Care Fund will remain at £10.5m for 2023/24, the same as received in 2023/24.
  • New Homes Bonus will increase from £0.004 million to £0.011 million, an increase of 175% compared to an all-England average increase of 0.003%. This is due to an increase in the number of new and affordable homes delivered in the Borough in 2023 compared to 2022.
  • Social Care Grant will increase from £16.7 million to £22.011 million, an increase of 31.1% compared with an all-England average increase of 23.6%. £3.3m of the increase is the in relation to the additional funding announced by central government in 2022 from delaying the rollout of adult social care charging reform, however the funding has still been made available to local authorities to help meet the current pressures in social care. An additional £1.9m was also allocated following a £500m increase to the Social Care grant nationally in the final settlement following significant lobbying to government through the provisional settlement consultation.
  • Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Grant will increase from £2.143 million to £4.004 million, an increase of 86.8%, compared to an all-England average increase of 86.8%. This funding, which totals £1,050 million nationally, is the third instalment of the additional funding highlighted in the Spending Review 2021 for the reform of adult social care.
  • Services Grant will reduce from £2 million to £0.345 million, a decrease of 82.7% compared to an all-England average reduction of 81.9%. This is because the funding has been reallocated to uplift other grants within the settlement, including Settlement funding assessment (above) and the 4% minimum funding guarantee announced by government.
  • Discharge Fund Grant will increase from £1.470 million to £2.450 million, an increase of 66.7% compared to an all-England average increase of 66.7%. This funding, which totals £500 million nationally to ensure those people who need to draw on social care when they are discharged from hospital can leave as soon as possible, freeing up hospital beds for those who most need them. Local Authorities will be required to pool this funding as part of the Better Care Fund.
  • Government assumption that council tax will increase by 4.99%.

Council Tax

Section 30 of the Local Government Act 1992 requires the Council to set an amount of council tax for each financial year for each category of dwellings in its area.

A council tax bill is made up of several different charges. Alongside the charge to fund council services, which is inclusive of levies from external bodies to support functions such as transport and flood defence, the overall council tax level set for the Borough includes precepts for the Tyne & Wear Fire and Civil Defence Authority and Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner. From 2017/18 councils with responsibility for adult social care have been given the ability to raise council tax by an additional levy to cover a funding shortfall in this area. The figures below include a 2% increase in respect of Adult Social Care and a 2.95% annual increase. Due to the pressures within Adult Social Care, there will still remain a significant funding gap.

The amount payable for dwellings in different valuation bands is calculated using the following proportions for each valuation banding:

Valuation band
A 6/9
B 7/9
C 8/9
D 9/9
E 11/9
F 13/9
G 15/9
H 18/9

Thus giving the following council tax amounts for the South Tyneside area (including a 2% precept to fund adult social care but excluding other precepts).

Valuation band South Tyneside Council (£)
A 1,280.11
B 1,493.48
C 1,706.82
D 1,920.18
E 2,346.88
F 2,773.59
G 3,200.29
H 3,840.36

To these must be added the precepts of Tyne & Wear Fire and Civil Defence Authority and the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner. At this stage, we have not received the final notification of the agreed precepts for the Tyne and Wear Fire and Civil Defence Authority and the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner for 2024/25, therefore we have calculated increases of 2.99% and £13.00 respectively based on the indicative increase still to be agreed from Tyne and Wear Fire and Civil Defence Authority, and the maximum increases permitted without holding a referendum for Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner. The final, confirmed precepts are expected to be known by the time Council meets on 22 February 2024. Should the actual precepts differ from the estimates provided, Cabinet budget recommendations to Council will be updated to reflect any change.

Valuation band Tyne & Wear Fire and Civil Defence Authority (£) Northumbria Police & Crime Commissioner (£)
A 63.41 121.23
B 73.97 141.43
C 84.54 161.64
D 95.11 181.84
E 116.25 222.25
F 137.38 262.66
G 158.52 303.07
H 190.22 363.68

These result in the following council tax amounts (including precepts):

Valuation band South Tyneside Council (£)
A 1,464.75
B 1,708.88
C 1,953.00
D 2,197.13
E 2,685.38
F 3,173.63
G 3,661.88
H 4,394.26

Retained Business Rates

The Council collects Business Rates in the Borough and keeps 50% of the collected rates income. The other 50% is passed to Central Government which is then distributed back to councils as a top-up grant to reflect individual spending requirements.

Council Reserves

The Council aims to establish reserves based on financial risk and limit the use of reserves tosupport on-going spending. More detail on our risks and reserves held is shown in Chapter 3.

Budget Pressures and Investment

Priority Investment

Our investment choices are guided by our strategic risks. For example, we are investing in capacity for the Help to Live at Home service, recognising the significant risk of additional costs from increased demand in Adult Social Care, as well as financial risks around inflation, energy prices etc.

Work continues to further align our resources to achieve our priorities and to generate future savings through our five-year budget planning process.

A list of the priority investment for 2024/25 is shown in the table below:

Priority Investment for 2024/25
Title Directorate Amount (£m)
Help To Live at Home Programme - Trusted Assessors Adult Social Care & Commissioning 0.200
Shared Lives Review Adult Social Care & Commissioning 0.075
Total Priority Investment 0.275

Inflationary and Standstill Pressures

Price inflation is currently reducing from a historical high of 11% at the beginning of 2023/24 to around 4% currently. Many of our contracts (especially our adult social care contracts) are linked to various inflation factors in the Consumer Price Index, including the national living wage. There have also been unprecedented increases in utility costs as well as unexpected increases in pay awards. Demands upon adults and children’s social care continue to increase as an after effect of the Covid-19 pandemic. This all means that the Council must spend considerably more just to continue providing the same services. A list of the standstill pressures for 2024/25 and estimates for 2025/26 to 2028/29 is shown in the table below:

Revenue Standstill Pressures
2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29
Cost of living increase 6.000 2.300 2.300 2.400 2.400
Net inflation on prices and income 8.233 3.499 2.916 2.416 2.416
Subtotal inflation 14.233 5.799 5.216 4.816 4.816
Other pressures
Revenue implications of Capital Programme 4.825 - (2.500) - -
Adult Services Demogrpahic Pressures 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Children's Services Demand Pressures 3.933 - - - -
Forecasted Pressures 0.513 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Subtotal Other Pressures 10.771 2.500 0.000 2.500 2.500
Changes to External Grant
Changes in External Funding (2.528) - - - -
Subtotal Changes to External Grant (2.528) - - - -
Total Revenue Standstill Pressures 22.476 8.299 5.216 7.316 7.316

Summary Medium Term Financial Position

Taking into consideration our funding, priority investment and standstill pressures, the table below gives a summary of our medium-term financial position for 2024/25 to 2028/29.

Medium-term financial position for 2024/25 to 2028/29
2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29
Base budget 152.324 157.532 157.014 157.460 160.439
Priority investment 0.275 - - - -
Standstill pressures 22.476 8.299 5.216 7.316 7.316
Funding Available (157.532) (157.014) (157.460) (160.439) (163.714)
Budget gap 17.543 8.817 4.770 4.337 4.041
To be addressed by
Specific grants (10.513) (1.062) (1.270) (0.837) (0.541)
Service efficiencies (7.030) (7.755) (3.500) (3.500) (3.500)

The diagram below shows our revenue budget for 2024/25 by Directorate. Appendix 1 provides more detail on the 2024/25 budgets for each service.

Revenue budget for 2024/25 by Directorate
Directorate 2024/25 Budget
Adult Social Care and Comissioning 71,434,540
Children's Services 50,884,740
Public Health 14,845,470
Places and Communities 32,372,290
Business and Resources 19,293,350
Governance and Corporate Affairs 7,288,310

Budget Savings

The funding we estimate to receive from Central Government and from council tax payers over the next five years is insufficient to cover our current level of spend plus our new budget pressures. Therefore, to make sure we can continue to focus spending on our priorities and ambitions, we have identified proposals for reducing spending, generating income and increasing efficiency across all of the Council’s services for 2024/25 and 2025/26. This will mean that our spending plans are affordable and match the money we expect to receive. Further work will be required to address funding gaps from 2026/27 onwards.

Plans for reducing spending, delivering new models of service, additional income and increasing efficiency in 2024/25 and 2025/26 are shown in the following table.

Budget savings
Budget Savings 2024/25 Amount £m 2025/26 Amount £m
Adult Social Services & Commissioning
Use of Technology - 0.300
Review of double handed care requirements 0.100 0.350
Better co-ordination of Independent Supported Living Costs - 0.300
Improved Independent Supported Living Accommodation offer - 0.450
Rationalisation of Learning Disability provision - 0.200
Review of Help To Live At Home costs 0.150 0.400
Medications and Wellbeing Service implementation 0.350 -
Rationalisation of Short Term Care Home placements 1.000 -
Additional income in relation to health related care costs 1.000 -
Reduced Residential Care demand through Help to Live at Home and Extra Care - 0.500
Rationalisation of 1:1 Residential Care placements - 0.100
Shared Lives expansion - 0.400
Implementation of Provider Portal 0.100 -
Review of Internal Day Services provision 0.150 -
Reduction in Transport Costs 0.150 -
Subtotal Adult Social Services & Commissioning 3.000 3.00
Business and Resources
Improved collection and management of tax base - 0.920
Retained Business Rates - additional collection - 0.250
Contingency Reduction 0.209 0.218
Debt Charges 0.400 0.400
S31 Grant Business Rates Relief additional funding 0.159 -
Deletion of posts through vacancy management - Council Wide 0.933 1.063
Additional Leisure Income 0.200 0.200
Subtotal Business and Resources 1.901 3.051
Children's Services
In-House Fostering development 0.050 0.200
In-House Residential Capacity 0.100 0.200
Children with Disabilities Services review - 0.100
Reduced number of young people requiring a care episode 0.100 0.600
School Meals Charges review - 0.100
Home to School Transport review 0.059 0.104
Subtotal Children's Services 0.309 1.304
Public Health
Public Health commissioned contracts review 0.320 -
Subtotal Public Health 0.320 -
Place and Communities
Parking Charges review 0.300 0.100
Energy costs reduction 0.700 0.300
Waste Disposal tonnages reduction 0.300 -
Business rates reduction from consolidation of operational buildings 0.200 -
Subtotal Place and Communities 1.500 0.400
Total savings 7.030 7.755

Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG)

The Council will receive £170.566m (£156.584m 2023/24) Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) in 2024/25 which is ringfenced for the education of children. From this amount the Department for Education (DfE) will recoup the funding for academies in South Tyneside and external commissioned High Needs places, which is estimated to be £51.661m (£48.670m 2023/24).

DSG is allocated over four blocks of funding. Local authorities can only switch resources between blocks with the permission of the Schools Forum and / or Secretary of State. The four blocks through which DSG is allocated consists of:

  • Schools block covering provision in mainstream schools from Reception to Year 11. The 2024/25 notified allocation is £123.174m (£115.640m 2023/24) before recoupment.
  • Central Services Schools block which covers commitments such as Admissions and certain prescribed statutory and regulatory duties. The 2024/25 notified allocation is £1.731m (£1.919m 2023/24).
  • Early Years block covering nursery schools, nursery classes and Private Voluntary and Independent sector providers of early years provision (PVIs). The 2024/25 notified allocation is £15.669m (£10.720m 2023/24).
  • High Needs block covering pupils with high needs – defined by the DfE as those requiring provision costing in excess of a given threshold. The 2024/25 notified allocation is £29.991m (£28.305m 2023/24) before recoupment.

Risks and Reserves

Risk Assessment

Over the medium-term the Council faces continuing financial pressures as well as investment needs and has refocused its priorities and built budget redirections and savings targets into the spending plans for 2024 to 2029. The Council carefully identifies the things that could go wrong and might undermine the MTFP.

To do this an assessment is made of what the impact would be if these things happen and how likely they are to happen. The Council ensures that it has plans in place in case things do not turn out as expected. This is part of our risk management strategy, which underpins all that we do, not just our financial plans.

The significant financial risks are identified on the Council’s strategic risk register. They have all been assessed as part of the strategic planning process. These risks are being actively managed and the estimated financial implications have been built into this MTFP.

Some of our strategic risks have been assessed as particularly uncertain with a potentially significant financial impact. Reserves have been established for these risks.

The following table identifies the key risks to the delivery of the MTFP, the actions taken (within this financial plan) and the actions proposed to reduce the impact of these risks on the Council’s future financial position.

Strategic Financial Risk and Risk Management

Risk to the delivery of the MTFP Risk managed by: Risk rating
Risk that the demand for services (adults and children) could increase further than estimated and that the volatile demand led budgets are not rigorously managed. Revenue spending is monitored on a monthly basis as part of the Council’s corporate performance monitoring framework. Strategies to support independence, choice, early intervention and sustainability have been developed and are being implemented. High
Risk that the funding required to meet external inspection standards across adults and children’s social care is insufficient. Transformation programme in place across adult social care. Multi-agency improvement board in place for children’s social care and work with regional DfE lead for improved resources. High
Risk that inflation, interest rates, energy prices etc do not stabilise in the medium to long term. Regular monitoring of the MTFP and reporting to Cabinet/ Borough Council to identify and understand inflationary and other cost pressures. Regular review of capital financing requirements. High
Risk that the Council is unable to align its resources to its ambitions. Collaborative approach to budget and service planning ensures that any new investment/ savings decisions are assessed against delivery of the Council ambitions. Medium
The Council is unable to deliver its financial plans. The achievement of the MTFP is imperative and is monitored every month as part of our performance monitoring process incorporating challenge to budget holders and corporate oversight. Medium
Future Government plans to revise the system of funding for Local Government may result in a reduction in resources greater than already forecast. Future changes to the funding system will be analysed and the impact on resources will be factored into the MTFP. With partners we are campaigning for fair funding. Medium
The cost of commissioned care may increase due to the national living wage and inflationary pressures. The Council has anticipated cost pressures in this area within its financial plans. Medium
Financial pressures and demands associated with the national health service resulting in additional social care costs. Integrated working with health partners across the whole system of health and social care is embedded. Medium
Uncertainty over the future funding of the capital programme. We maximise the availability of capital receipts and external funding to support the capital programme thereby reducing the call on Council borrowing. Affordability of borrowing is regularly assessed and monitored. Medium
Emergency event occurs e.g. major flooding incident / loss of ICT systems / significant traffic incident / flu pandemic which incurs additional unbudgeted costs and loss of income. During the Covid-19 pandemic we lobbied for and received additional funding from Central Government. Where additional funding wouldn’t be received the Council maintains a Strategic Reserve to meet unforeseen liabilities and is building up an self- insurance reserve. Medium

Planned Use of Reserves

The level of Council reserves is reviewed annually in line with CIPFA guidance. Our Reserves Policy is shown at Appendix 2.

Our forecast Use of Council reserves is shown in the table below.

Forecast use of Council reserves
Council reserves Unearmarked General Fund Reserve £m Future Funding Reserve £m Earmarked Reserves £m School Reserves £m Deficit Schools and LA DSG Balances £m Total Reserves £m
Estimated balance as at 31st March 2024 11.659 4.330 23.167 4.053 (6.346) 36.863
Planned use of reserves in 2024/25 (1.482) (1.250) (7.556) - - (10.288)
Estimated balance as at 31st March 2025 10.177 3.080 15.611 4.053 (6.346) 26.575
Estimated balance as at 31st March 2025 10.177 3.080 15.611 4.053 (6.346) 26.575
Planned use of reserves in 2025/26 - (1.250) (4.043) - - (5.293)
Estimated balance as at 31st March 2026 10.177 1.830 11.568 4.053 (6.346) 21.282
Estimated balance as at 31st March 2026 10.177 1.830 11.568 4.053 (6.346) 21.282
Planned use of reserves in 2026/27 0.835 - (1.086) - - (0.251)
Estimated balance as at 31st March 2027 11.012 1.830 10.482 4.053 (6.346) 21.031
Estimated balance as at 31st March 2027 11.012 1.830 10.482 4.053 (6.346) 21.031
Planned use of reserves in 2027/28 - - 1.514 - - 1.514
Estimated Balance as at 31st March 2028 11.012 1.830 11.996 4.053 (6.346) 22.545
Estimated balance as at 31st March 2028 11.012 1.830 11.996 4.053 (6.346) 22.545
Planned use of reserves in 2028/29 - - 3.109 - - 3.109
Estimated Balance as at 31st March 2029 11.012 1.830 15.105 4.053 (6.346) 25.654

Housing Revenue Account

The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) is required to be maintained by councils who provide housing accommodation. It records the income and expenditure in relation to the management and maintenance of homes and keeps this separate from other council activity.

All rents collected are retained in this separate account; they support the management, day-to-day repairs and maintenance, and a capital investment programme which includes planned renewals, improvements to homes and major repairs.

South Tyneside Homes Limited have been delegated management of the housing service under the terms of a management agreement with the Council, approved by the Secretary of State under section 27 of the Housing Act 1985.

The Council retains a legal duty to set a budget, which avoids an unplanned deficit on the Housing Revenue Account, a duty which cannot be delegated. The Council also retains ownership of the homes, sets the level of rents and charges and is the landlord under the tenancy agreements.

The following table shows provisional HRA expenditure and income plans for the following 5 years.

HRA expenditure and income plans
Housing Revenue Account Budget Provisional budget
2024/25 £m 2025/26 £m 2026/27 £m 2027/28 £m 2028/29 £m
Management 19.178 19.782 20.224 20.667 21.127
Repairs & Maintenance 18.929 19.308 19.695 20.089 20.491
Rents, Rates, Taxes, Insurance 2.968 3.037 3.107 3.180 3.254
Provision for Bad Debts 0.299 0.305 0.311 0.317 0.323
Capital Programme Investment 29.448 29.432 29.420 29.411 29.406
Debt charges 10.344 10.349 10.354 10.359 10.364
Other Capital Charges 0.055 0.056 0.057 0.058 0.059
Total Housing Revenue Account Expenditure 81.221 82.269 83.168 84.081 85.024
Rents - Dwellings (73.558) (73.493) (74.950) (76.428) (77.928)
Income - Other services/property (3.519) (3.602) (3.686) (3.773) (3.862)
Contributions & interest (1.624) (1.652) (1.681) (1.711) (1.741)
Total Housing Revenue Account Income (78.701) (78.747) (80.317) (81.912) (83.531)
(Surplus) / Deficit on Housing Revenue Account 2.520 3.522 2.851 2.169 1.493

Housing Revenue Plans for 2024/25

Rent levels are proposed to increase on average by 7.7% in line with Government guidelines. Reserves are planned to be prudently applied in the next few years to support the Housing Capital Programme.

Service Charges for 2024/25

Most service charges for 2024/25 are proposed to be increased by 6.7% as set out in Appendix 3.

Tyne & Wear Pension Fund

The Council administers the Local Government Pension Scheme for the Tyne and Wear and Northumberland County areas and is responsible for agreeing the Pension Fund budget each year. The cost of the Pension Fund does not fall directly on the council taxpayer.

The table below summarises the spending plans for the Fund for 2024/25 and provisional spending plans for 2025/26 and 2026/27. This was approved by the Pensions Committee on 30th January 2024.

Spending plans for the Fund
Budget Tyne and Wear Pension Fund Budget Provisional Budgets
2023/24 £m 2024/25 £m 2025/26 £m 2026/27 £m
174.913 Investment Management Expenses 207.178 223.386 252.870
1.528 Investment Office 1.499 1.554 1.547
176.441 Total Investment Office 208.677 224.940 254.417
3.886 Pensions Office 4.347 4.097 4.180
1.064 Governance and Funding Office 1.100 1.206 1.141
181.391 Total Pensions Service 214.124 230.243 259.738

The budget for 2024/25 shows an increase of £32.733m over the revised 2023/24 budget. Further increases are projected of £16.119m in 2025/26 and £29.495m in 2026/27.

Investment management expenses dominate the budget. This budget has been formulated in line with industry best practice and is a full estimate of the fees, expenses and costs associated with the investment management of the Fund.

The table below analyses the budget proposal for the next three years.

Budget proposal for 2023/26
2024/25 £m 2025/26 £m 2026/27 £m
Base Budget 181.391 214.124 230.243
Investment Management Expenses 32.265 16.208 29.484
Standstill Pressures 0.380 0.131 0.035
Budget Growth/New Initiatives 0.484 0.230 0.175
Savings (0.396) (0.450) (0.199)
Revised Budget 214.124 230.243 259.738

The increase in investment management expenses is attributed to increased costs related to private market investments which typically attract higher fees and expenses than quoted assets, but also have produced greater investment returns net of fees and expenses. The Fund is increasing its use of these type of investments over the next few years which is leading to a material increase in fees and expenses over the period.

The Investment Management expenses line also includes the costs and expenses incurred in transacting the Fund’s assets. For the next two years, significant costs are expected to be incurred in moving assets to an investment management company, part owned by the Fund, called Border to Coast Pensions Partnership. This stems from a Central Government directive whereby Local Government pension funds have been asked to combine their assets to create larger investment pools. As assets transfer to Border to Coast, costs are incurred. These costs are offset by longer term savings and improved investment outcomes. By 2025/26, it is expected that most of the Fund’s assets will have transferred to Border to Coast and these costs will then fall out of the budget.

As in previous years the standstill pressure increases relate mainly to staffing costs and other inflationary increases included within contracts. Most of the changes in the budget relate to regulatory changes, essential development or contractual inflation and as such they are included as standstill pressures. In 2025/26, there is a smaller increase in standstill pressures, this is because increased costs are partially offset by some temporary contracts established to help deliver some specific regulatory changes which are due to come to an end. In 2026/27 the Investment Advisors and Actuary budgets are lower following the completion of the triennial valuation.

The growth in the budget relates to new external ICT modules to improve productivity and in 2024/25 there is £0.100m for an ICT refresh programme. There is also an increase of £0.200m in the budget for investment accounting software for 2024/25 with the existing supplier having ceased trading.

There have been a number of savings identified. The largest is in relation to the ongoing operating charges from Border to Coast, which are falling by £0.221m in 2024/25. This is because Border to Coast is moving into a business as usual phase, with reduced development work. Further savings have been achieved over the three-year period within the ICT budget line relating to modules purchased in the previous years dropping out. The budget for progressing with overseas tax claims drops out of the budget in 2024/25, on the basis that the claims should all be settled in 2023/24.

Capital Strategy and Budget

Capital Investment Programme

The Capital Investment Programme sets out our investment plans over the next 5 years to support regeneration and help achieve our Ambitions as set out in the refreshed vision and newly adopted Council Strategy which is very much centred around people. We want South Tyneside to be a place where people live healthy, happy, and fulfilled lives. This will be underpinned by our ambitions, which use our resources as efficiently and effectively as possible to ensure services are provided in areas where they are needed.

As national and global uncertainty continues, we know that delivering our plans will be challenging. However, as we have done over the last decade, we will stay true to our ambitions and continue forward in partnership with the passion, determination, and resilience that have become the solid hallmark of the residents and institutions of South Tyneside.

The capital programme is financed by a mixture of external funding, government grants, borrowing and capital receipts from sales of our assets. These receipts are generated through the disposal of Council land and buildings that are surplus to Council requirements. The target level of borrowing is affordable, prudent, sustainable and consistent with our revenue budget forecasts.

External funding streams have been secured to support the funding of the programme. These include regional funds applied locally to support the overarching economic objectives of the wider region.

Building on strong foundations

Over the last decade, despite the huge challenges posed by national austerity we delivered significant investment, transformational physical regeneration and a range of service improvements some of which are detailed below:

  • £100m invested in South Shields regeneration, transforming the Borough’s largest town.
  • £35m invested in local roads and footpaths.
  • £200m invested in new or improved School buildings.
  • Improved connectivity, including £8.1m Arches Improvements, £21m South Shields Transport Interchange, £7.5m Lindisfarne/John Reid Road improvements and £120m Testo’s Roundabout works.
  • ‘Nationally significant’ International Advanced Manufacturing Park established, which will attract £400m private investment and create thousands of jobs (we have already attracted a new Electric Vehicle battery factory to IAMP).
  • Completion of realignment to part of A183 Coast Road to move inland due to ongoing erosion to ensure protection to coastline.
  • £32m invested in leisure facilities throughout South Tyneside at Haven Point, Monkton Stadium, Jarrow Focus and Hebburn Central to improve the experience for leisure users resulting in an increase in memberships from 414 to 9,000 in the last 10 years supporting residents to lead healthy and active lifestyles.
  • Two of our flagship renewable energy schemes, at Hebburn and the Viking Energy Network at Jarrow, complete and become expected to cut annual carbon emissions by 1,400 tonnes making a major contribution to our goal of carbon neutrality by 2030.
  • Ongoing investment in our award-winning beaches and parks, including £3m North Marine Park improvements and £5m Littlehaven Promenade and Seawall.

Capital Programme supporting Council Vision

We have five ‘Ambitions’ – the things we want to achieve over the next 20 years to help deliver our Vision. These five Ambitions will guide everything we do. The capital programme will help support revenue investment to achieve each ambition through some of the major projects detailed below. The complete spending plan can be found with the Capital and Investment Strategy in Appendix 4.

We want all people in South Tyneside to be:

Financially Secure

Residents will be financially secure. They will have what they need for a good standard of living.

Healthy and Well

Residents will enjoy good mental and physical health throughout their lives. They will have the best start in life and be able to age well.

Mortimer Community College

Mortimer Community College is a popular oversubscribed secondary school within the area of South Shields. Plans have commenced to extend the school in order to accommodate more students. The plans are proposing the addition of specialist teaching classrooms including extra Science, ICT, Art, Maths and Technology. The aim is to increase the Pupil Admission Numbers from 1,050 to 1,200 by 2028 - an increase of 25 students per year group over a five-year period.

CGI of Mortimer Expansion
CGI of Mortimer Expansion

Other programmes include:

  • Works to improve road safety for school children outside the front of schools.
  • Improvements to existing playing pitches and changing facilities to assist in promoting sport within the Borough.
  • Upgrade to coastal cycling and walking routes has commenced to help improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists whilst supporting the ambition of getting more people involved in sustainable travel and improving health and wellbeing.

Connected to jobs

Residents will have access to jobs, skills, and learning. They will have the skills and confidence to apply for a wide range of quality local jobs. These jobs will be in key and growing areas of employment and benefit all our Borough.

Work is continuing to relocate South Tyneside College into South Shields Town Centre and we will work with the College to equip local people with the skills and qualifications needed for future opportunities in the low carbon, digital and advanced manufacturing sectors as well as much needed capacity within our health and care workforce including the development of our care academy.

CGI of student accomodation
CGI of student accomodation

Plans for the new look town centre continue with demolition work to clear the last site needed to facilitate the proposed relocation of South Tyneside College. Planning approval has been given for the 140-bed student accommodation block, as well as a 14,000 sq. m modern main campus and the refurbishment of a listed building on Barrington Street, which would house staff accommodation and facilities.

Other programmes include:

  • External funding from the Department for Transport utilised for carriageway resurfacing and various road safety initiatives to support the highways asset management plan.
  • In partnership with Sunderland City Council we are continuing to develop a joint strategic employment site, the International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP), north of Nissan and west of the A19. The development is well underway with the new gigafactory battery plant making good progress with the aim to be fully operational in 2025.
Progress of new gigafactory
Progress of new gigafactory

Part of strong communities

Residents will live in clean, green, and connected communities where they feel safe.

The Council continues its transformation of Holborn Riverside into a vibrant mix of new dwellings and office space with completion of extensive remediation and civil engineering works on the site to prepare for the next phase of development where another 144 homes will be constructed, increasing the residential population in and around the town centre. As part of the scheme, three of the dry docks are being restored to preserve the area's industrial heritage and a new riverside promenade will also be built to open this stretch to the public for the first time in over 100 years.

Civil engineering works on the Holborn site are also delivering major ground improvements, removing redundant structures and alleviating flood risks to help support future development.

Site at Holborn Riverside
Site at Holborn Riverside

The Council is also committed towards a sustainable future, striving towards carbon neutrality across Council buildings and operations by 2030.

Other programmes that contribute towards this agenda and ambition include:

  • Subject to securing external funding, continued investment in renewable energy schemes at Holborn Renewable energy centre to utilise a combination of renewable technologies to create an innovative energy network to provide heating and electricity to a number of new and existing buildings in the area. This scheme has the potential to cut carbon emissions by 22% whilst saving the Council on energy costs.
  • Using externally sourced funds to deliver the Stronger Shores project which will deliver a number of innovative resilience actions, including restoration of sub-tidal habitats to protect against coastal erosion and flooding.
  • A fleet replacement programme, projected over the next 8 years, intended to renew and replace vehicle assets at the optimum time to drive maximum value and usage whilst at the same time minimising the exposure to increased maintenance, repair, running and hire costs.
  • The housing capital programme will ensure that homes we maintain are safe for our tenants, continue to meet decent homes standards and that they are compliant with all regulations whilst ensuring sustainability across the Borough.
  • The development of specialist accommodation including for adults with learning disabilities and/ or autism, and exciting plans for our new extra care schemes all support our commitment for people to remain a part of their communities.

And we want these things for every resident, so we are committed to:

Targeting support to make things fairer

We will target support at the residents and parts of our Borough that need it the most, reducing inequalities and making things fairer.

Work to increase the number of residential places for South Tyneside's looked-after children is underway. Work has started on site for a new children's home at Hebburn New Town which will accommodate up to four young people, along with work progressing well on the assessment centre in Seton Avenue in South Shields and another children's home in Jarrow. These developments will almost triple the number of places for looked-after children locally. The new homes will mean more children in care can stay in the Borough, close to their family and friends.

Image of how children’s assessment centre could look
Image of how children’s assessment centre could look

Other programmes include:

  • Continued investment in our five Community Area Forums (CAFs), each covering a particular area of the Borough. The role of CAFs is to discuss matters important to local people to provide a proactive service within local areas such as cleaner streets, reduced fly tipping, anti-social behaviour and tenancy related issues.
  • Community improvements - This project will manage the current condition or manage improvements to sites to increase the site sustainability, safety and provide future development opportunities.

2024-29 Capital Programme

The provisional five-year Capital Programme for 2024-29 linked to the Council’s vision and ambitions is shown below. A breakdown of the individual projects within each year is detailed within the Capital and Investment Strategy at Appendix 4.

2024-29 Capital spend linked to Ambition
Ambition 2024/25 Gross (£m) 2025/26 Gross (£m) 2026/27 Gross (£m) 2027/28 Gross (£m) 2028/29 Gross (£m)
Healthy and well 6.253 1.153 1.093 1.043 0.983
Part of strong communities 66.785 41.960 44.232 39.467 33.605
Connected to jobs 33.135 19.286 7.186 7.186 7.186
Targeting support 2.918 2.918 2.918 2.918 2.918
Other 7.720 7.670 2.670 2.670 2.670

The estimated funding of the five-year capital programme is shown below. A breakdown of each year is detailed in the Capital and Investment Strategy at Appendix 4.

Funding of the Capital Programme 2024-29
Capital Programme By Funding 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 Total
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Council General Fund Programme
External Funding 64.126 21.528 13.892 11.016 7.664 118.226
Capital Receipts 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 10.000
Revenue Contribution to Capital 3.500 3.500 1.000 1.000 1.000 10.000
Borrowing 17.737 16.527 11.787 9.857 7.292 63.200
Total Council General Fund Programme 87.363 43.555 28.679 23.873 17.956 201.426
Housing Programme (funded from the Housing Revenue Account)
Revenue Funding of Housing Capital programme 29.448 29.432 29.420 29.411 29.406 147.116
Total Housing Programme 29.448 29.432 29.420 29.411 29.406 147.116
Combined Housing and General Fund Programme 116.811 72.987 58.099 53.284 47.362 348.542

Treasury Management

The Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy is a requirement of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the Local Government Act 2003, the Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) Regulations 2003, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Code of Practice on Treasury Management, the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities and guidance on Investment Practice from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

It is a statutory requirement of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 that the Council produces a balanced budget. Section 31(a) of the Act requires a local authority to calculate its budget requirement for each financial year to include the revenue costs that flow from capital financing decisions. This means that increases in capital expenditure must be limited to a level whereby increases in charges to revenue from:

  • increases in all debt charges to include Minimum Revenue Provision caused by increased borrowing to finance additional capital expenditure, and
  • any increases in running costs from new capital projects are limited to a level, which is affordable within the projected income of the Council for the foreseeable future.

The Local Government Act 2003 requires the Council to set out its Treasury Strategy for borrowing and to prepare an Annual Investment Strategy.

The Council has adopted the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management in the Public Service. Within this document Treasury management is defined as:

The management of the local authority’s borrowing, investments and cash flows, including its banking, money market and capital market transactions; the effective control of the risks associated with those activities: and the pursuit of optimum performance consistent with those risks.

The Treasury Management Strategy included at Appendix 6 to this report complies with the CIPFA Code, which requires the Treasury Management Strategy to be approved by Borough Council prior to the start of the financial year.

The Local Government Act 2003 also requires the Council to “have regard to” a further CIPFA Code called “The Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities”.

The key objectives of the Treasury Management Code and the Prudential Code are to ensure, within a clear framework, that the capital investment plans of local authorities are affordable, prudent and sustainable and that Treasury Management decisions are taken in accordance with good professional practice.

To demonstrate that local authorities have fulfilled these objectives, the Treasury Management Code and the Prudential Code set out indicators that must be used and factors to be taken into account. The indicators and factors that apply to Treasury Management are contained in the Strategy attached at Appendix 6 to this report.

The Treasury Management Strategy and the Annual Investment Strategy have both been discussed andagreed with the Council’s Treasury Management Adviser, Link.

The Council’s Treasury Management covers two areas:

  • Part 1 – South Tyneside Consolidated Loans Fund – this covers the Council’s borrowings and contains the Treasury and Prudential Indicators required by the Treasury Management Code and the Prudential Code.
  • Part 2 – Annual Investment Strategy – this concerns the investment of the cash balances of the Council. Priority is given to the security of the capital sum and the liquidity of investments.

Appendix 1: Council Revenue Budget 2024/25

Council Revenue Budget 2024/25
Council Revenue Budget Total Expenditure Total Income 2024/25 Budget Staffing 2024/25
£ £ £ No of Posts FTE's
Business and Resources
Corporate Finance / Benefits and Customer Services 95,457,500 (126,801,720) (31,344,220) 172 150.4
Digital & ICT Services 7,371,880 (1,885,290) 5,486,590 102 96.0
Leisure and Libraries 9,380,330 (6,948,260) 2,432,070 273 188.4
Corporate Assurance 1,656,320 (1,262,900) 393,420 7 6.6
Human Resources & Organisational Development 3,739,010 (1,289,980) 2,449,030 70 66.4
Tourism, Culture and Events 1,512,360 (222,600) 1,289,760 11 8.3
Subtotal Business And Resources 119,117,400 (138,410,750) (19,293,350) 635 516.1
Pensions Office 214,124,000 (214,124,000) 0 87 79.0
Subtotal Pensions 214,124,000 (214,124,000) 0 87 79.0
Total Business And Resources 333,241,400 (352,534,750) (19,293,350) 722 595.1
Governance and Corporate Affairs
Legal And Governance 2,761,260 (1,373,520) 1,387,740 44 36.9
Management and Policy 929,490 (211,700) 717,790 9 7.0
Performance and Change Management 1,138,370 (450,940) 687,430 22 21.5
Communications, Engagement and Support Services 5,525,860 (1,030,510) 4,495,350 123 111.0
Total Governance and Corporate Affairs 10,354,980 (3,066,670) 7,288,310 198 176.4
Place and Communities
Environment 23,498,160 (8,794,430) 14,703,730 217 189.8
Place 10,197,360 (6,184,280) 4,013,080 145 138.1
Inclusive Growth 8,739,390 (7,417,700) 1,321,690 42 40.1
Asset and Programme Management 21,940,430 (8,961,190) 12,979,240 302 187.0
Infrastructure and Transport 9,923,950 (10,569,400) (645,450) 149 107.6
Total Place and Communities 74,299,290 (41,927,000) 32,372,290 855 662.6
Children’s Social Care, Learning and Early Help
Children and Families Social Care 35,304,570 (3,224,331) 32,080,239 267 234.2
Learning and Early Help 51,737,120 (32,932,619) 18,804,501 718 499.1
Total Children's Social Care, Learning and Early Help 87,041,690 (36,156,950) 50,884,740 985 733.3
Adult Social Care and Commissioning
Adult Social Care 122,132,210 (52,212,500) 69,919,710 362 319.6
Commissioning and Quality Assurance 2,518,230 (1,003,400) 1,514,830 49 44.4
Total Adult Social Care and Commissioning 124,650,440 (53,215,900) 71,434,540 411 364.0
Public Health
Public Health 15,117,370 (271,900) 14,845,470 21 20.3
Total Public Health 15,117,370 (271,900) 14,845,470 21 20.3
Delegated Schools Budget 118,904,460 (118,904,460) 0
Total Schools Delegated 118,904,460 (118,904,460) 0
Total Council Revenue Budget 763,609,630 (606,077,630) 157,532,000 3,192 2,551.7

Appendix 2: Reserves Policy

The requirement for financial reserves is recognised in statute by sections 32 and 43 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. Councils must have regard to the level of reserves needed for meeting estimated future expenditure when calculating the budget requirement.

Reserves can be held for a variety of purposes such as to cushion the impact of unexpected events and emergencies or as a means of building up funds to meet known or predicted liabilities.

The principles used by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to assess and advise on the adequacy of reserves when setting the budget ensure that account is taken of the strategic, operational and financial risks facing the Council. This includes for example the Council’s record in budget and financial management, its capacity to manage in-year budget pressures and the current and projected external financial environment. Under the Local Government Act 2003, the CFO must report to Council on the adequacy of reserves. As an ultimate backstop, the CFO is required to report to all councillors under section 114 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 in the event that reserves are seriously depleted and has the impact of suspending spending except to meet statutory obligations.

In accordance with good financial practice, the Council holds a number of reserves as below:

Unearmarked General Fund Reserve
This reserve is held to manage the impact of any unplanned overspends within the Council’s General Fund budget. The policy objective is to hold a minimum balance in this reserve of £10m.
Future Funding Reserve
This reserve is held to support medium-term requirements to balance the budget taking account of changes to grant funding, inflationary and demand pressures, financial shocks as well as investment needs.
Various Earmarked Reserves
These are held to meet expected and potential liabilities or specific investment requirements. Examples include emergency events such as unforeseen financial costs or dealing with a natural disaster, claims against our self-insurance fund, future payments due under PFI contracts, monies to support economic development, volatility within the Collection Fund which deals with the income and expenditure relating to council tax and business rates etc. It also includes reserves ringfenced by statute such as the Housing Revenue Account and reserves held on behalf of schools.

Appendix 3: Housing Revenue Account Service Charges

Landlord Charges - Services and Facilities
2023/24 Charge £/wk Change % 2024/25 Charge £/wk
Garage rents £7.20 7.7% £7.80
Tenant Heating Charges Hebburn Newtown 1-bed £4.50 6.7% £4.80
Hebburn Newton 2-bed £12.20 6.7% £13.00
Jarrow Energy tariff p/kwh £0.12 6.7% £0.13
Housing Plus - Landlord Charges for Scheme Managers and Communal Facilities
2023/24 Charge £/wk Change % 2024/25 Charge £/wk
Service Charges Purpose built flats with scheme manager and communal facilities £15.20 6.7% £16.20
Group dwellings with scheme manager and nearby communal facilities £6.70 6.7% £7.10
Guest Room Charges Charges for overnight stay or emergency situations per night £13.90 6.7% £14.80
Furnished Tenancy Scheme Charges
2023/24 Charge £/wk Change % 2024/25 Charge £/wk
Furniture options New Tenancies supplied with a package of furniture and Electrical Goods - Option 1 Points up to 110 £25.55 6.7% £27.26
New Tenancies supplied with a package of furniture and Electrical Goods - Option 2 Points up to 160 £34.05 6.7% £36.33
New Tenancies supplied with a package of furniture and Electrical Goods - Option 3 Points up to 200 £42.52 6.7% £45.37
New Tenancies supplied with a package of furniture and Electrical Goods - Mini Option Points up to 60 £16.30 6.7% £17.39
Decent Homes decant properties supplied cookers £6.64 6.7% £7.09
Caretaker and Concierge Charges
Caretaker Charges 2023/24 Charge £/wk Change % 2024/25 Charge £/wk
Durham Court £3.30 6.7% £3.50
Ellen Court £8.30 6.7% £8.90
Monastery Court £8.30 6.7% £8.90
Wilkinson Court £8.30 6.7% £8.90
Concierge Charges
Durham Court £11.80 6.7% £12.60
Ellen Court £11.80 6.7% £12.60
Monastery Court £11.80 6.7% £12.60
Wilkinson Court £11.80 6.7% £12.60
Support Service Charges - Supporting People
Support Service Charges - Supporting People 2023/24 Charge £/wk Change % 2024/25 Charge £/wk
Community Alarms - Support
Council Tenants Standard - Hardwired or Solo Unit £3.50 6.7% £3.70
Council Tenants Enhanced - Hardwired or Solo Unit £5.40 6.7% £5.80
Scheme Managers - Support
Council Tenants Scheme Managers - Support Services £13.10 6.7% £14.00
Other Specific Service Charges
Other Specific Service Charges 2023/24 Charge £/wk Change % 2024/25 Charge £/wk
Council - HRA Temporary Accommodation
1-bed accommodation £29.90 6.7% £31.90
2-bed accommodation £42.10 6.7% £44.90
3-bed accommodation £61.30 6.7% £65.40
Tenants - Housing Plus Heating Charges
Tenants - Housing Plus Heating Charges 2023/24 2024/25
Cost per property per wk. - Bed Sit Cost per property per wk. - 1 Bed Cost per property per wk. - 2 Bed Cost per property per wk. - Bed Sit Cost per property per wk. - 1 Bed Cost per property per wk. - 2 Bed
Davies Hall £0.00 £12.28 £14.77 £0.00 £13.10 £15.76
McIntrye Hall £0.00 £13.67 £0.00 £0.00 £14.59 £0.00
Birch Grove £0.00 £14.61 £0.00 £0.00 £15.59 £0.00
Calf Close £0.00 £11.64 £13.98 £0.00 £12.42 £14.92
Porlock House £0.00 £11.15 £13.42 £0.00 £11.89 £14.32
Bishop Ramsey £0.00 £12.12 £14.54 £0.00 £12.93 £15.52
Farding Lake £0.00 £11.49 £0.00 £0.00 £12.26 £0.00
Prince Ed Court £0.00 £10.31 £12.35 £0.00 £11.00 £13.17
Blenkinsop House £7.10 £7.88 £0.00 £7.57 £8.41 £0.00
Borrowdale House £0.00 £8.04 £0.00 £0.00 £8.58 £0.00
Huntcliffe House £0.00 £8.73 £0.00 £0.00 £9.32 £0.00
Inskip House £0.00 £10.78 £0.00 £0.00 £11.50 £0.00
Wingrove House £0.00 £10.70 £12.91 £0.00 £11.42 £13.77
Clayside House £0.00 £9.23 £0.00 £0.00 £9.84 £0.00
Glenthorpe House £0.00 £12.01 £14.46 £0.00 £12.81 £15.43
Hallgarth House £0.00 £11.56 £13.91 £0.00 £12.34 £14.84
Julius Court £0.00 £9.44 £0.00 £0.00 £10.08 £0.00
Thomas Bell SA £0.00 £12.38 £0.00 £0.00 £13.21 £0.00
Patrick Cain House £0.00 £9.59 £11.56 £0.00 £10.24 £12.34

Tenants Heating Charges - 6.7% increase on all Housing Plus establishments

Leaseholders Management Fee
Leaseholders Management Fee 2023/24 Charge £/wk Change % 2024/25 Charge £/wk
Freeze charge on Leaseholders Management Fee £134.60 0.0% £134.60
Tenant Communal Cleaning Charges
  2023/24 Charge £/wk Change % 2024/25 Charge £/wk
High Rise Properties
Durham Court £1.90 6.7% £2.00
Mid Rise Properties
Dean Road £3.20 6.7% £3.40
Laygate & Trinity £3.10 6.7% £3.30
Whiteleas £3.20 6.7% £3.40
Green Lane £6.40 6.7% £6.80
Tyne Dock £4.40 6.7% £4.70
Galsworthy Road £3.20 6.7% £3.40
River Drive £1.00 6.7% £1.10
Mowbray Road £1.40 6.7% £1.50
Stewart and Fulwell £0.90 6.7% £1.00
Sheltered Housing
Birch Grove SA £8.20 6.7% £8.70
Bishop Ramsay SA £9.10 6.7% £9.70
Blenkinsop House SA £4.40 6.7% £4.70
Borrowdale House SA £7.70 6.7% £8.20
Calf Close House SA £6.40 6.7% £6.80
Cheviot House SA £7.10 6.7% £7.60
Clayside House SA £6.40 6.7% £6.80
Curren House SA £10.50 6.7% £11.20
Davies Hall SA £10.20 6.7% £10.90
Farding Lake SA £7.50 6.7% £8.00
Fernyhough Hall SA £5.90 6.7% £6.30
Glenthorpe House SA £6.40 6.7% £6.80
Hallgarth House SA £6.00 6.7% £6.40
Henley House SA £7.80 6.7% £8.30
Huntcliffe House SA £8.80 6.7% £9.40
Inskip House SA £7.70 6.7% £8.20
Julius Court SA £6.00 6.7% £6.40
Lincoln Court SA £9.10 6.7% £9.70
McIntyre Hall SA £8.00 6.7% £8.50
Patrick Cain House SA £9.30 6.7% £9.90
Porlock House SA £6.60 6.7% £7.00
Prince Edward Court SA £10.10 6.7% £10.80
Thomas Bell SA £7.20 6.7% £7.70
Wingrove House SA £6.00 6.7% £6.40

Appendix 4: Capital and Investment Strategy

Please see Capital and Investment Strategy: 2024-2029

Appendix 5: Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement

  1. The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) is the charge made to the revenue account to reflect repayment of borrowing over the useful life of the assets that have been funded from that borrowing. The Council has regard to the guidance issued by the Secretary of State under section 21(1A) of the Local Government Act 2003 and any subsequent updates.
  2. MRP is charged in the year following that in which an asset is brought into use.
  3. MRP will be spread over a period which reflects the life/beneficial use of the asset and is normally no more than 50 years. A longer life may be given if it is deemed by a professional that the asset life will exceed 50 years.
  4. These periods are determined for MRP purposes only, and the Council may account for depreciation of assets differently under the Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting, after having had regard to the different conditions that apply for such accounting purposes.
  5. The Council has in place a loan finance facility with Karbon Homes Ltd. MRP will be charged to match the annuity loan repayment profile from the Company over the life of any loans issued as part of this agreement. Should the Council wish to switch the type of loan repayment profile to Equal Instalments of Principal then the Council reserve the right to do this. The Council also has a finance agreement with Centaurea Homes Limited. MRP will be charged in the year the loans are repaid and will match the value of the principal repayment. For any future finance agreements that the Council enters into, the MRP charged will be matched to the loan repayment profile, including for PFI and finance lease arrangements.
  6. The Council also determines that available resources for financing capital expenditure, such as capital receipts and external funding, will be applied to new expenditures in a manner that is considered appropriate in any financial year. For example, it will be considered financially efficient to apply such resources in the first instance to expenditures that have a shorter estimated lifespan.
  7. It is the Council’s intention to either apply housing receipts to appropriate capital schemes or to use them as a means of repaying debt, whichever is deemed more appropriate.
  8. In cases where expenditure is incurred on only part of a scheme which is not completed by the year end, any grant or similar financing resources will be either allocated to other new expenditures or carried forward as appropriate. Final decisions regarding the manner in which such resources are to be allocated to schemes will be taken under delegated powers.

Appendix 6: Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25

Please see Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25

Appendix 7: Pay Policy Statement

Please see Pay Policy Statement

Appendix 8: Rent Setting Policy

Please see Rent Setting Policy