Local Development Scheme for South Tyneside

Published March 2024 An accessible document from southtyneside.gov.uk


Councils must prepare and keep updated development plan documents known as ‘Local Plans’. These documents set a framework for how areas will grow and change over 15-20 years and provide the starting point in determining all planning applications.

Councils are also required to produce a Local Development Scheme (LDS) under section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011). The Local Development Scheme must specify the documents which when prepared will comprise the local development documents for the area.

Accordingly, this Local Development Scheme provides information on:

  • The development plan document(s) we will prepare over the next 3 years (i.e. 2024-2027)
  • The subject matter of those documents and the geographical area they cover
  • The timetable for the preparation and adoption of those documents

This Local Development Scheme replaces the Council’s last LDS which was adopted in October 2023.

Local Plan for South Tyneside

Current Development Plan

Planning legislation requires all local planning authorities to produce what is called a ‘Development Plan’. Our current development plan comprises several documents that were adopted in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

Document Subject Matter
Core Strategy Development Plan Document (2007) Strategic policies for the development of the Borough that also influences subsequent plans prepared.
South Shields Town Centre & Waterfront Area Action Plan (2008) Guide change and growth across the three defined areas they cover.
Hebburn Town Centre Area Action Plan (2008)
Central Jarrow Area Action Plan (2010)
Development Management Policies (2011) Borough wide development management policies.
Site-Specific Allocations (2012) Sets out sites to be allocated for development and land designated for other purposes.
International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan (2017) Guides the economic growth to the north of Nissan, setting out the necessary infrastructure requirements and environmental enhancements.

There are two ‘made’ Neighbourhood Plans within South Tyneside:

  • East Boldon Neighbourhood Plan
  • Whitburn Village Neighbourhood Plan

Each neighbourhood plan forms part of the Development Plan for the Borough; however, as they are not prepared by the Council they are not considered in detail within this document.

Moving Towards a New Local Plan

The South Tyneside Development Plan is made up of two Local Plan Documents prepared by South Tyneside Council:

  • The South Tyneside Local Plan
  • The International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP) Area Action Plan

And two made neighbourhood plans:

  • East Boldon Neighbourhood Plan
  • Whitburn Village Neighbourhood Plan

South Tyneside Local Plan

The South Tyneside Local Plan will:

  • Set the need for our future housing, employment and retail and allocate those sites needed.
  • Addresses future infrastructure requirements such as transport, telecommunications, waste management, water supply, flooding and coastal change, and the provision of minerals
  • Make provision for community facilities, such as health, education and cultural infrastructure
  • Address climate change mitigation and adaptation, and the conservation and enhancement of the natural, built and historic environments, including landscape and green infrastructure

Once adopted the Local Plan will supersede all documents listed above except for the IAMP AAP and Made Neighbourhood Plans.

The International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan

The International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan is a cross-boundary plan with Sunderland City Council, which establishes a framework for development within its boundary. As the IAMP AAP was adopted on 30 November 2017 a review of this plan was undertaken in October 2022. This review concluded that, at that point in time, the policies of the AAP remained effective and consistent with national policy.

Notwithstanding the above, both Sunderland and South Tyneside have now committed to preparing a new AAP which upon adoption would replace the current IAMP AAP. Further details are provided in Section 3.

Other Policy Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents are intended to expand upon or provide further details to policies in the Local Plan. Supplementary Planning Documents are not subject to examination but are adopted by the Council, having been informed by community and stakeholder involvement in their preparation. Once adopted, Supplementary Planning Documents will form part of the Local Plan as non-statutory documents.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

The Council must also produce a Statement of Community Involvement setting out how it intends to consult and involve the community in the preparation and review of local development documents and in development management decisions. The SCI was last updated in 2022.

Authority Monitoring Report

The Annual Monitoring Report assesses whether policies, targets and milestones have been met and will inform the review of the Local Development Scheme.

Neighbourhood Plans

Neighbourhood Plans were introduced through the Localism Act 2011. These are community-led frameworks that guide the future development and growth of an area whilst conforming to the strategic policies of the adopted Local Plan. Neighbourhood Plans once “made” (i.e. approved via a community referendum) will be adopted as part of the overall development plan.

To date, two Neighbourhood Forums have been designated for East Boldon and Whitburn. Both the East Boldon Neighbourhood Plan and Whitburn Village Neighbourhood Plan have been ‘made’. Neighbourhood Plans sit and work alongside our own Local Plan and form part of the Development Plan. Neighbourhood Plans are prepared independently and are excluded from this Local Development Scheme. However, the Council will continue to work with and support those respective Neighbourhood Forums (and others) that want to pursue Neighbourhood Plans.

South Tyneside Local Plan and Other Policy Documents Timetable

South Tyneside Local Plan 2023 - 2040

Role and Purpose Set out strategic policies to deliver needs for the borough, setting out the opportunities for development and clear guidance on what will or will not be permitted where.
Coverage Borough wide
Status Development Plan Document

Local Plan Timeline

Stage 1 Review Spatial Strategy & Collate evidence Completed
Stage 2 Consult on Draft Plan (Regulation 18) Completed Summer 2022
Stage 3 Prepare Final Draft (Regulation 19) Completed
Stage 4 Consult on the Final Publication Draft Local Plan (Regulation 19) Completed
January - March 2024
Stage 5 Submit to the Secretary of State Summer 2024
Stage 6 Examination in Public Early 2025
Stage 7 Adoption Summer 2025

New International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan

Role and Purpose Sets out policies to support the delivery of an advanced manufacturing park on land to the north of the Nissan site. Upon adoption the new AAP would replace the current version
Coverage International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan Area
Status Development Plan Document

New International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan timetable

Stage 1 Consult on Draft IAMP AAP (Regulation 18) Summer 2024
Stage 2 Consult on Draft IAMP AAP (Regulation 19) Winter 2024/ 2025
Stage 3 Submission Spring/Summer 2025
Stage 4 Adoption 2026

Supplementary Planning Documents

A number of SPDs will be prepared to support adopted policies within the Local Plan. A review of SPD’s will take place once the Local Plan is adopted. Please note that the council may seek to prepare additional SPDs in the future, at which stage this LDS will be updated to reflect this.

Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents
SPD1: Sustainable Construction and Development To be reviewed once the Local Plan is adopted.
SPD3: Green Infrastructure Strategy
SPD4: Affordable Housing
SPD6 Parking Standards
SPD7 Travel Plans
SPD8: South Shields Riverside Regeneration
SPD9: Householder Developments
SDP10: Westoe Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD11: West Boldon Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD12: Whitburn Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD13: St Paul’s Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD14: Cleadon Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD15: East Boldon Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD16: Hebburn Hall Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD17: Monkton Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD18: Cleadon Hills Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD19: Mill Dam Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD20: Mariners’ Cottages Conservation Area Management Plan
SPD21: Locally Listed Heritage Assets
SPD22: Hot Food Takeaways and Health
Interim SPD23: Mitigation Strategy for European Sites


The Council’s Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) will assess on an annual basis progress against this Local Development Scheme. Furthermore, the AMR will also assess the extent to which the new Local Plan policies are delivering their intended purpose when measured against related targets, i.e.

  • Have targets either been met or are on schedule to be achieved; or if not
  • Consider the introduction of certain contingency measures.

The National Planning Policy Framework requires us to assess the Plan’s strategic policies at least once every 5 years post adoption, including a new timetable for when any necessary alterations will be brought forward.

Wider mechanisms also exist that may trigger a change to the Local Development Scheme:

  • The Secretary of State can intervene where councils are failing to bring plans forward quickly enough or even direct councils to amend their Local Development Scheme to accelerate plan production
  • The Government’s new Housing Delivery Test imposes a series of remedial actions on councils where delivery falls below certain thresholds.

Delivering the Local Plan and Other Policy Documents

It is essential that our Local Development Scheme remains challenging enough to meet the Government’s agenda on plan production whilst remaining realistic against the available resources and issues we must address.


Cabinet meets monthly and oversees the Plan’s preparation, approving documents for consultation. The power to approve the Plan’s adoption lies with Full Council. Management is overseen by our Director for Place and Communities and Senior Manager-Planning. Day to day management is undertaken by the Spatial Planning Team. Specialist expertise from wider teams from across the Council including Highways and Engineering, Environmental Health, Asset Management and Countryside support the production of the Plan. We have and will continue to use external advice to support the preparation of the evidence and studies.


Budgetary requirements are monitored in line with our existing corporate budgetary processes.


Regular briefings will be provided to the Council’s Chief officers to ensure that the preparation of the Local Plan helps to deliver corporate priorities. Key elected Members such as the Housing and Regeneration Portfolio Holder will be briefed, as appropriate.

Evidence Preparation

The complex nature of the Local Plan means that external advice and evidence preparation will continue to be required at all stages of plan preparation. The engagement of these services will be undertaken in accordance with the Council’s established procurement processes.

Risk Assessment

To ensure that we can deliver our Plan in accordance with this Local Development Scheme, the following risk assessment offers a range of contingency actions to minimise the impact of those risks should they arise.

Risk Factor Likelihood / Scale of impact Contingency Actions
Programme Slippage High/High
Slippage could lead to reputational issues and delays in adopting a Local Plan within the identified timescales. Government has set an absolute deadline of 30th June 2025 for Local Plans to be submitted under the current planning system.
Continue to ensure progress is carefully monitored and contingency actions are implemented where appropriate
Work demands that are not programmed High/High
Staff diverted to other planning work may cause slippage in Local Plan preparation i.e. development of Local Nature Recovery Strategy
Ensure the Local Plan is a strategic priority and Local Plan workstreams are prioritised as far as possible.
Changes to National planning legislation, policy and guidance High/High
Changes may affect the content and direction of both the evidence and the policies (triggering additional work)
  • Monitor new and emerging policy at the point of publication and prioritise managing any impacts on the Local Development Scheme key milestones
  • Where necessary, continue to seek advice from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Planning Inspectorate, and the Planning Advisory Service
  • Continue to monitor any key issues arising from other Local Plan examinations.
Staff Resources Medium/High
Loss of staff will impact on evidential and plan production – leading to delays.
  • Ensure sufficient resources with necessary experience and expertise are available
  • Continue to liaise with other Operational Managers regarding the internal specialist expertise that is being provided
  • Consider use of consultants / short term contracts to provide specialist advice
  • Continue ‘buddy’ system so officers are aware of other’s workloads.
Budgetary Limitations Medium/High
Government spending cuts continue to affect resources across the Council. Sufficient financial resources are required to prepare documents and consult.
  • Continue to apply corporate budgetary management processes
  • Provide budgetary spend profile based upon the Local Development Scheme including anticipated costs of external support.
Legal compliance / Soundness and Legal Challenge Medium/High
Failure to prepare a plan that is sound or legally compliant may result in the Plan being rejected by the Planning Inspectorate or result in a successful high court challenge
  • Ensure the plan is based upon robust evidence
  • Work closely with the Planning Inspectorate
  • Ensure an ongoing and effective dialogue with adjoining authorities and key stakeholders recorded in statements of common ground
  • Maintain the Planning Advisory Service Legal and Soundness Self- Assessment Checklists.